Day 13

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Socks POV:

I climbed over the wall turning around to help meme up as everyone walked over. "Finally you guys are back! You took so-" muffin said before nadwe interrupted. "Wait where is jooice." I looked up to see Jooice was no where to be seen. "We got s-separated and we thought he came here!" I said looking back at meme who looked concerned. "What if those people killed him?" Meme said as everyone looked at him. "Those people??? Did a zombie kill him?" Blaza asked confused. "No actual people, they tried to kill meme but luckily I showed up in time. I took his rifle." I said showing them the gun as they looked at it. "Well I really hope Jooice is ok" Oompa said as he climbed up. "Hey wait I think I see him! And he brought some friends-" Oompa said but was interrupted by a loud bang as he fell back to the ground.

Third person pov:

"FUCK" Oompa shouted holding his knee blood coming out of it at a rapid rate. "OH SHIT-" Nadwe said running over to Oompa and grabbing him. "Are you ok?" Muffin said running after nadwe and helping nadwe carry him as socks ran up to the wall and looked infront of the base. "MEME THEY ARE HERE!" Socks said pulling out his rifle and started to fire as meme ran up behind him and also starting firing. "BLAZA WOOLF I NEED YOU GUYS TO HELP!" Socks shouted as Blaza looked around. "WOOLF IS GONE!" Socks turned around. "WELL JUST COME HELP US STILL" socks said as Blaza ran up as socks handed him a bat. "One of them ran around back, go make sure they don't sneak up on us!"
Blaza nodded before running off.

Nadwe POV:

Me and muffin carried Oompa into a tent as he was bleeding. "MUFFIN WHAT DO WE DO?" I panicked looking at him. "We have to pull out the bullet" muffin said holding some tweezers.


"Ok I need you to hold the wound and stop it from bleeding and I will take the bullet out as slowly as I can." I held the bullet wound as he went and started slowly taking out the fragments and the bullet as blood squirted out him not being that good at bullet extractions as he got the bullet and yanked it out as Oompa yelped a bunch of blood came out as I almost threw up. "Now grab the bandages over there nadwe" I turned around and grabbed the bandages and bandaged up Oompas leg.

!!TW ENDING. If you didn't read it they healed the leg.!!

Blaza POV:

I ran to the back of the camp and crouched down and hid in a bush as I heard footsteps walking towards me as I jumped out and hit the person in the face with the bat as they fell. It was one of the people as I took their weapon and their ammo as I threw them into the bush and ran back over to socks and meme. "I knocked them out and took their gun" I said before starting to fire at the group of people trying to raid our camp. "Alright I think if we hold our ground we could s-" meme god said before getting shot in the head falling back. "MEME!" Socks said before looking at his dead friend as the group of people continued advancing towards the camp. "RUN GUYS!" I said said grabbing socks hand and running off hoping the others would make it.

Third person pov:

As everyone ran out the group of people ran into the base and took it over. Everyone ran in different directions, with socks and blaza running off to the city, and nadwe, muffin, and Oompa running into the forest. With Woolf running off to the city aswell.

Muffin POV:

We ran into the forest, well sorta, we had to held Oompa run since his leg is injured from being shot. As we got far away from the base and into the forest. I looked over at nadwe. "What are we going to do now? We having nothing and we don't know if the others are even alive!" I said still helping Oompa walk before setting him down so he was sitting with his back on a rock. "Yeah we are pretty screwed, I mean I can't even walk properly now" Oompa said as nadwe looked around. "Well atleast we can be hidden in the forest-" Nadwe said before growling noises surrounded us from the bushes. I grabbed a stick and nadwe did the same as we stood back to back making sure no zombie would jump us from the bushes. As the growling stopped I lowered my guard down and turned my back before I got jumped from behind and pushed to the ground as the zombie went to bite me before an arrow went flying into its head. A person jumped down from the trees wearing a cloak finishing the zombie off with a hatchet as he turned around and took off the hood.

Laff POV:

I cut off the zombies head turning around to face my friends as I took of my hood. "Hello mates, it's been a while." I said as nadwe said "LAFF!" And rushed over to me hugging me. "I missed you too mate!" I said hugging him back. The moment was short lived though as I heard more growling behind me. "Alright let's get going we need to get to my tree house fast!" I said running before turning around seeing them not running. "Why aren't you running guys?" I said looking at Oompa. "I may have gotten shot in the leg" I sighed running back picking him up bridal style and running towards my somewhat tree base as fast as I could nadwe and muffin behind me.

Oompa POV:

Laff helped me up the ladder I saw a platform with some drapes and leaves on branches as a roof he climbed up after nadwe and muffin. "You mates are lucky I found you when I did, you would've become a zombie if it weren't for me" he said hanging up his bow. "Yeah thank you so much for finding us!" Muffin said sitting down. "Yeah I would've been a dead zombie who couldn't walk right now if it weren't for you!" I said looking down at my leg. "Yeah... but where is the rest of ya mates" laff said looking at us. "W-we got separated after a group of people attacked us and we got seperated." Nadwe said standing up and looking outside. "Well don't worry mates we will find them" laff said drinking some water.

Socks POV:

Me and blaza ran fast through the streets of the city shocked at what just happened but also just trying to live as we found gas station as we ran into the back and locked ourselves in the room. "M-m-memes- we b-barely-" I tried to say words but I was to shocked and out of breath to say anything as Blaza put his hand on my shoulder. "Listen socks calm down, I know all this shit that went down is insane and crazy but if you freak out it will make things worse," I looked at Blaza and slowly started calming down and breathing slower. "Memes dead... and everyone else is gone...!" I said sitting down in the office chair that was in the office. Blaza looked over at me and sat down on the floor. "Yeah I know, meme is dead, but hopefully he will be better and now he will get to see tbh and Dino again." Blaza said grabbing a blanket from his bag and laying down. "Yeah I guess..." I said laying down in this office chair. "Well imma try to go to sleep good night socks." He said. "Good night Blaza" I said before closing my eyes and trying to sleep, as my heads was full of thoughts about what happened. What if I noticed the people behind us. But I cannot change the past what has been done is done. And meme is dead I can't do anything about it. As my thoughts became more and more cleared I slowly drifted off into the black void called sleep.

(A/N 1407 words not bad for me, thanks so much for the support and i have been updating the story pretty often and yeah as soon as this story reaches 100 days it will have an epilogue and that will be the end of the story, and now imma go sleep gn and see ya next time

last one more day (socks for 1 gang zombie apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now