One Lone Crab 6-10

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Day 6)

I slowly woke up yawning as I looked back. I almost screamed in horror as the person I had found had turned into a zombie as it tried to grab me. I kicked it opening the door and falling out as it crawled out after me. I kept kicking it and kicking it until I saw my baton and grabbed it before beating their head in. "Whew that was way to close!" I thought to myself getting up. I looked at the dead body and sighed. "Great my only chance of seeing someone gone..." I thought before picking up the body and throwing off the parking lot.

I walked back to the dodger sitting down with my back against the side. Letting out a breath. "Well what do I do now...?" I thought as I looked over to my left. I heard growling as I ran over to the edge as I saw a giant zombie horde walking down the streets. I started counting nervous. "Theres like 100!" I whisper shouted to myself. I looked down to see a few stragglers walk into the parking garage. "Shit-" I ran back to my dodger thinking of a plan. I looked at the gun. "No that will attract the horde.." I looked at the keys. "That will aswell..." I grabbed the baton. "I don't think I will be able to kill all of them.." I opened the trunk and climbed in leaving a door open a bit so air would come in. I held the baton and waited.

I waited in the trunk for what felt like hours. I slowly opened the trunk to see only 5 zombies. I grabbed the gun. "The horde should be long gone.. and I can take the chances." I got out of the trunk and shot the zombies. I heard more growls as I looked down and saw 20 more zombies. My heart stopped as I continued shooting them. "I'm screwed!" 20 more zombies walked up as I ran out of ammo. I ran to the dodger and grabbed my second clip holding them back from the car. Using my bullets wisely.

I managed to hold a few off as more and more showed up, I hopped into the dodger and started it ramming into the zombies. I drove through them as the front got damaged definitely. I drove out of the parking garage. "Alright I'll just lead those zombies away." I drove slowly and loudly getting the attention of all the zombies in the area. I drove for a good 50 miles before turning around and speeding away. Leaving all the zombies in the dust.


Day 10:

The loneliness started setting in as I was just sitting in the dodger talking to a rock. "Well I did have friends before this... I wonder where they are..." I decided to walk down and around the parking lot as I found something in the corner. A nice yellow hummer. "Hmmm wouldn't hurt to have this as a back up vehicle if things go wrong..." I thought as I loaded it up with extra gas and put some Jerry cans in the back. "Alright if anything goes wrong with the other car I just hop into this."

I looked up at the sky, the sun was getting lower as I sighed. "I just wish I had someone to talk to..." I said as I slowly got up. I got into the car and drove out of the parking lot going to the store. I walked into the store holding my baton. This place had a lot of stuff! I grabbed as much as I could. But then I smelled something. It smelled like hydrogen? I turned around to see someone spraying it before throwing a match into it and a giant explosion happened. I got hit as I went flying into the ground. "Gah.... fuck-" I said holding my head which was was burning hot. I opened my eyes seeing the person walking over to be holding a gun. I acted dead as they walked over slowly. "Great he's dead, now lets take his supplies." I kicked him in the gut getting up and starting to beat him with the baton. He fell over and hit a shelf. He aimed his gun at me and started shooting. I ran behind cover and pulled out my pistol. Only to remember I had barely one clip leftover. I had to save my shots.

I had to make a quick decision, use the clip as covering fire as I ran to the car, or attempt to shoot and kill the guy and raid this place. As the heat got hotter and a bullet barely went by my head I decided to cover myself to run to the car. As soon as the firing stopped for a second I got up and shot at him running. I jumped into the car from the open window. Turning around and shooting my last bullets at him before starting the car and zooming away.

I slowly pulled over in an alleyway taking a breath. "What. The. Fuck. Just happened?" I questioned sitting there. I used the side mirror to check the damage. I had a huge burn on my neck and forehead and the front of my hoodie is all burnt up. I took that off grabbing a white shirt from the back. "Atleast I got some supplies." I checked the bag to see Tylenol, painkillers, a box of protein drinks, and luckily some aloe vera. Luckily none of the meds were expired so I took a pain killer to get rid of the pain. I drove back to the parking garage.

I got out and used the mirror to put the aloe Vera on my burns as I sighed. "Can't believe people are doing that.." I said remembering we are only 10 days in. "People must be getting desperate to kill people for loot." I said to myself before looking at my supplies. "I need to get more ammo for my gun.." I checked the clip. "Only one shot... better not waste it." I said putting the clip back in. I grabbed some water and drank it. "It's getting late I should try to get some rest." I got into the back of the car laid on my back before slowly drifting to sleep.

(A/N 1067 words! Not bad, I might not update one lonely crab as much as the main story anymore. But yeah I still like writing it atleast every once in a while. But yeah I hope you enjoyed reading this and I will see you next time.

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