One lone crab 11-13

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(Day 11)

I woke up early in the morning, I don't know why I woke up this early. I sat up and looked around from the inside of the car. The sun was barely rising so I assume it's 6-7 am. I don't see any zombies so I open the car door and slowly walk out. Luckily no zombies. I decided if I was going to survive I needed to get stronger. So with whatever I had I used to work out. I started running laps around the parking garage, when I swear I saw someone climb up a fire escape to the top of a roof. More like 3 people.

I ran to cover in my car since they could be those guys I messed with before trying to see if they could spot me. However after a bit of waiting nothing happened. They just stayed up on the roof. I went down a floor to try to see if I could find anything to help me look. But I just found more broken glass and blood from zombies. I decide to continue working out from down here just in case they are trying to spot me.

After a few hours of working out I decide to go check what those people on the roof are doing. They are just sitting there. I decide to slowly move my car down a floor just in case they are spy's. As I start pushing the car I see and hear a bullet to right by me. I look back to see one of them aiming at me with a rifle. I hop into the car and drive it down a floor with the momentum. I grab my weapons and walk over to cover. They stopped firing. I take a peak through the cover as a bullet goes flying through my left ear. "Fuck!" I shout as I take cover, that rifle basically shot my ear off. I run to my car and use whatever medical supplies I have left to cover it up. I sigh and sit in my car for a minute. "Will these guys come down to finish the job?" I thought to myself as I got out of the car and looked over down at the gate. Luckily no one was there

I go back to the cover and wait a bit before looking again I can see the 3 of them sitting there. I go back into the cover and sit there. Debating if I try to go attack them or leave. The sun starts setting as I see the 3 build a fire. I decide to go into the hummer for the night and go to sleep. Not wanting them to come find me asleep in the dodge.

(Day 13)

Day 12 was a mess I can't leave or go anywhere because if I do they shoot at me and it's attracting zombies. So I'm getting ready to leave, I decided to leave the hummer since it's louder and takes more fuel. But as I finish loading up I get hit in the shoulder, it's those 3 and they are charging with weapons. I hop into the car and as I go to drive away they enter in. I decide to back into them before speeding away. Only hitting one and getting my back windshield shattered. I speed off as I try not to focus on the pain in my shoulder.

I go really far until my gas starts to get low. "I have to find a new place" I think as I'm driving on an empty dirt road, still a while from the border. I then see a ranch house in the middle of the field. I slow down to think if I should use it. After looking at my low fuel I turn in and drive down the field to the house. I pull up to the house and turn off the car, getting out I hold my baton. The gravel moving around as I step around it. I walk up to the door and slowly open it. "Not locked" I whisper to myself as I sneak into the house. I see a shadow run across down the stairs and into the room by it. I pull out my gun now. I only have one shot but whoever is here doesn't know that.

I slowly walk into the room as I see someone hiding in a ball. "S-stop! Leave me alone!" A voice shouts. By the size I judge this is a 13-15 year old. "Calm down, I'm not going to kill your" I say as I stay where I am not wanting to scare them more. "A-are you the man who killed my mom?" He asks and I look down at him. "No, I haven't killed anyone." He looks up at me light tears in his eyes. "Your not gonna hurt me?" He asks as I nod and he stands up. He is really skinny and his lips are badly chapped. "How long has it been since you've had water? Or eaten even?" I ask the kid as he looks at the ground. "I think 2 days" I pull out an open can of a mix of corn and green beans.

"Here take this, I'll go get some water quickly." He nods and I go to get the water. I come back in and give it to him. "Are you injured or bitten?" I ask and he nods his head no. He eats the food and drinks the water. "Is there a way to turn the power on?" I ask as he looks at me. "In the shed over by the tower, buts there's a lot of zombies there." I nod looking at him. "Got any weapons?" He pulls out a bat and a clip of a hunting rifle. "Where's the rifle?" I say looking at it. "M-my dad" he says sniffling. "Where is your dad?" I ask as he finished the food. "One of the z-zombies at the tower" I nod, this kid is pretty traumatized. "What's your name?" I ask the kid.


(Let's gooo got another chapter out. 1034 words, I decided to add meds to the story. I decided to go teenager age since a child living this long is unlikely. Thanks for reading and I will hopefully update soon, most likely another part of tbhs story. Or maybe a part of the main story. Bye!)

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