Chapter 6

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The Iliad by Homer

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The Iliad by Homer.

The heroic legend of a great war that started because Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, fell in love with Helen of Sparta, and abducted her. The script was familiar, for Taehyung had read it a hundred times over, but this morning, he found it charmingly apposite.

Hanging back to eavesdrop on Jimin and Seokjin's conversation had been a tiresome event, but their trials and tribulations were a necessary evil.

The rendezvous with Ji Changwook that he'd anonymously arranged for future distraction; he'd known from day one that Jimin would be reluctant to show, and now, he'd given the man another reason not to attend.

A ruse coffee date with Hahm Yunhee. Who would have thought?

Courting was for lovesick fools, and the occasion held no bearing on his overall plan, but if it meant spending some time alone with her, then so be it.

Perhaps Yunhee could thrill him a little more with her hypothesis on Aristotle's elements while they conversed over cappuccino. Fire was a nasty affair, but today, she'd conveniently announced that submerging the stone would open the vortex.


With plenty of time to spare before their date, Taehyung flipped to the fabled excerpt he'd dog-eared en route to the sitting room.

"But come, let's enjoy our love together on the bed. Never has desire so filled my mind as now, not even when I first took you away from lovely Lacedaemon, sailing off in our sea-worthy ships, or when I lay with you in our lover's bed on the isle of Cranae. That's how sweet passion has seized hold of me, how much I want you now."

When the time came, he would steal Yunhee away and sail off to a very special location.

Abandoned arcade stalls and stationary rollercoasters. A dried up fountain in a grimy courtyard. The famed Crystal Kingdom where he'd officially asked her out was sadly under construction, but it would be criminal for the couple not to return to start their journey.

Eager to soak up his most prized read, Taehyung relaxed against the bay window cushions and began to turn the page, but when the ancient writings mutated into a distinct café setting, the book toppled from his hand and he doubled over in surprise.

It was another memory belonging to Tae, but this time, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted under his nose as Yunhee - looking like a Goddess in a cable knit dress and bronze knee-high boots - stared at him with a glum visage from across the table.

Oh, blessed saints. He knew what day this was. How could he forget? The image of her in that outfit as he watched her hop out of Jimin's car from across the street would be ingrained on his mind until the end of time.

It was the day Tae and Yunhee had set the record straight.

'What's wrong?' The concerned words spilled from Taehyung's mouth as his brow wilted. 'Is it Jimin? Is he bothering you?'

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