Chapter 9

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'They have elevators here

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'They have elevators here.'

'Yes, Jimin. I'm aware.'

Artfully sloping his head, the mob boss jiggled his eyebrows at Yunhee as they walked through the National Library. 'Fancy riding one? Jin can take the next-'

'No time for hanky-panky,' Jin informed, smacking Jimin upside the head as he wafted past the couple in a flurry of Burberry and charcoal-grey trousers. 'Let's go.'

'Cockblocker,' Jimin mumbled, taking Yunhee's hand to follow his bossy right-hand man into the stairwell.

After receiving the blowjob of the century last night, Jimin and his skilful girlfriend had collapsed into bed and slept for eleven hours straight. If not for Jin's wake-up call at zero-seven-hundred hours, Jimin would still be lazing around, paying Yunhee back for the surprise she'd sprung upon him.

No matter. His plan to stop the elevator and bring her to orgasm may have been off the cards, even if he had worn his leather jacket especially for her, but there was time yet, and he would catch the coquettish wench when she least expected.

Staggering climaxes aside, Jimin understood the importance of the danger that continued to brew in the shadows. Jin apparently had a breakthrough last night and had discovered something significant online. He only knew this because Yunhee had "reminded" him earlier.

It wasn't his fault he had the incapacity to recall things when his cock was in her mouth.

A few months ago, Jimin would have shunned the idea of thinking positively to attract a positive outcome, but a lot of weird and wonderful shit had happened since then, and now - as they paraded up the steps of the vast library - he willed the puzzle pieces into place because Jin was keeping his cards close to his chest.

If his comrade hadn't dragged them into the city because he'd found a way to temporarily disable the vortex, Jimin was going to murder the stupid git in one of the bathroom cubicles.

'Yo, Wikipedia!' Jimin exerted tiresomely when Jin bypassed the third floor and continued prancing skyward. He was running thin on patience and his thighs were protesting. 'Are you going to tell us why we're here?'

'You'll see!' Jin called over his shoulder as he opened the next exit and vanished from sight.

Excited to see what all the fuss was about, Yunhee picked up speed, tugging Jimin with her through the door. Like all previous visits, the fourth floor was packed with bibliophile-infested tables and corridors crammed with hundreds of books, but it was not the place Jimin expected to visit today.

Last time he checked, the astronomical and astrophysical sections were one storey below.

'Did you find a way to disable the stone?' Yunhee squeaked, skipping after Jin who was en route to the myriad of aisles.

'No,' he replied bluntly as he walked along a passageway with his index skimming the spines. 'I couldn't find anything, so I gave up.'

'The fuck?' Jimin mouthed as they trundled after him; that was not the right-hand man he knew.

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