Chapter 40

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Two Weeks Later

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Two Weeks Later

'No, JK, not like that. Here, let me show you.'

Hooking a calf over his knee, Tae reclined against the cushioned settee, tapping a beat on his lips as he observed his spritely ex-girlfriend teach the "so-called innocent" Jeon Jungkook how to load a Kimber Raptor.

Jimin was likely searching for his prized possessions while they played around with them, but living under their roof for the past fortnight had taught him not to interfere in the couple's first world problems.

If the missing weapons didn't rile up his childhood friend, then the empty Soju bottles littered around Hobi and Suga as they argued over a video game certainly would.

The billiard room was a pigsty, but Tae would miss the newfound chaos in his life once he left. From one hectic mansion to another filled with a multitude of vacant rooms. How silent his new home would soon be.


Right on target, impatient footsteps clipped in the hallway, and all heads turned to the door when it burst open and the man of the house strode in.

'Oh, hey, Jimin!' Yunhee greeted with a wonky smile.

Sinking deeper into the sofa, Tae stifled a snort and watched Jimin's gaze scoot from one green bottle to the next before homing in on the firearm in the woman's hand.

Let the bickering commence.

'Don't you "oh, hey, Jimin" me!' Jimin bubbled as he strolled over and tried but failed to snatch the Raptor from her clutches. Affronted, he swung around to Jungkook and wiggled his impatient fingers. 'Hand it back before I shoot you.'

'With what?' Jungkook grunted, his almond eyes focused on the slider as he flicked off the safety catch.

Inflating like a balloon when he drew in a deep breath (because - let's face it - there was little else he could say in response to Jungkook's witty comeback), Jimin turned on Yunhee again. 'How much time do you think I have? I've spent the whole morning looking for them when I could have been-'

'Don't exaggerate,' Yunhee scoffed as she trundled over to Hobi and Suga.

Wedging herself between their bodies, she plonked herself cross-legged on the floor, giving both men the fright of their lives when she wafted the Raptor in the air.

'I took them when you were in the shower. Which was about half an hour ago.'

'Regardless, they're not toys.' Jimin followed, carefully prising her fingers off the weapon one digit at a time before buckling it into his holster with a cranky huff. 'You shouldn't play with them.'

'Chill, dude. They're not even loaded. Look.' Jungkook released the magazine to show Jimin that it was empty before snapping it back into the handle. 'Hey, Tae. Watch this.'

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