Chapter 27

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'I can't believe this time three weeks ago I was sprawled out in my boxers munching on Kellogg's Coco Balls

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'I can't believe this time three weeks ago I was sprawled out in my boxers munching on Kellogg's Coco Balls.'

'Jesus, Yoongi,' Tae cringed as a rivulet of sweat trickled over his temple, 'ever heard of TMI?'

Suga shrugged indifferently, his biceps bulging and his breath laboured as they sandwiched their weak rescuee between their bodies and aided him up the narrow staircase.

His untamed friend was not one to mince his words, but after an "accidental" walloping in the dingy corridor and Jinnie's grip currently crushing his neck, a half-naked Min Yoongi grazing on cereal was not a visual Tae needed right now.

'At least you had the option of Coco Balls!' Jinnie cheerily responded as he tripped up a step. 'The only food Taehyung fed me for breakfast was muesli!'

'Nice,' Tae grimaced as he listened out for what was going above their heads.

The planted BB grenades were still exploding; a promising sign, but if Jimin and Yunhee weren't waiting for them at the front of the property as planned, they were going to be in some pretty deep water.

'FYI,' Tae threw in for good measure, 'I hate muesli.'

'Are you sure about that?' Jinnie grinned while digging his dirt-ridden nails into his bruised shoulders.

'Positive, mate,' Tae sing-songed with gritted teeth.

Jinnie was goading him for having an evil twin, he was sure of it, but getting out of this grimy sleazehole was Tae's number one priority, not getting into a brawl with the feisty man who'd flown out of his cell like a Cherokee tomahawk to attack him.

Apparently, Kim SeokJinnie had reached the end of his tether after weeks of incarceration, and was dead set on rescuing Yunhee and fleeing the scene. Suga - not even trying to hide his amusement - had eventually wrenched Jinnie away, but they'd spent the next two minutes trying to calm the man down.

After convincing Jinnie that Tae was not the psychotic Mafia King who'd imprisoned him, and that they were in fact here with Jimin to help, he'd opted to join hands and leave the squalid basement as a team.

Jinnie was in quite the state as they ascended. His clothes were mucky, his coal roots greasier than a pan of bacon and his skin marred with yellow bruises, but his eyes were sharp and his spirits surprisingly elevated given the circumstances.

Tae couldn't help but respect his bravery. He was just like Jimin's right-hand man, only with a little less grace.

He talked a lot, too.

In fact, Jinnie had done nothing but jabber since agreeing to cooperate.

'What were you doing three weeks ago?'

Tae twisted his neck, coming face-to-face with Jinnie's suspicious gaze as they approached the top of the staircase.

Wait a minute. Did this guy seriously still have doubts about his identity?

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