Chapter 29

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Jimin winced, bending and flexing his sore knuckles as the island breeze whipped sea spray onto the Maserati and Tae carelessly drove over another pothole

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Jimin winced, bending and flexing his sore knuckles as the island breeze whipped sea spray onto the Maserati and Tae carelessly drove over another pothole.

He really needed to stop punching things, but it was a difficult deed when it came to Kim Taehyung's colossal fixation with his partner.

Over and over he'd tried to convince himself that Yunhee would not be physically harmed while under his supervision, but cuts and bruises were not the only results of abuse.

The Dark Energy was a force to be reckoned with. It was already living inside her, tempting her away to an unreachable place filled with darkness and sin. Jimin's biggest fear was not losing her to death. It was losing her to something unbearably greater.

To see her alive and well. To see her succumb to its power and walk willingly in Taehyung's arms...

'So, this is the infamous beach house?'

Lost in a stream of horrendous thoughts, Jimin was oblivious to Tae cutting the engine until he followed his line of sight and squinted through the window.

There, at the bottom of a sloped driveway, sat a recognisable dwelling full of enchanting personality. The white-washed slats and sage painted shutters, the terracotta pots and decrepit rocking chair on the porch that swayed in the wind.

Nothing had changed.

'Sure is,' Jimin murmured as he looked beyond the quaint structure.

Sullen clouds cruised above the rough sea, choppy waves breaking on a silver beach that he and Yunhee had walked upon and later brushed sand from between their toes. Almost two months had passed since their time here, but it felt like two lifetimes after everything that had transpired.

'Do I even want to know why you're smiling?'

Jimin tore his eyes from the nostalgic view to find Tae lounging behind the wheel with a probing brow.

Well, this was awkward.

'Nope,' Jimin quipped.

Clearing his throat, the mobster faced the window to avoid his suspicious gaze.

He had nothing to hide; his former enemy turned friend knew the truth about him and Yunhee, but that didn't mean he needed to know the when, where and how they'd come to be a couple, nor the details of their intimacy during their time here.

'Think they're still in there?' Suga asked the million-dollar question as the four men cautiously inspected the building.

It was tricky to see any movement from where they were angled, but Mee and Joonie couldn't leave the island without transportation, and the Santa Fe was parked on the drive.

'They're in,' Jimin confirmed with a knowing smirk as the rear door flew open. 'Whoa, Jinnie, wait a sec-'

Their overly excited rescuee fell out of the car, clumsily landing on his hands and knees before crawling to his feet with a hoarse cough. Jimin, Tae and Suga clambered after him, but they were unable to stop Jinnie from making a break to the residence like a boneless moron.

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