Chapter 10

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Yunhee once believed that Taehyung's fascination stemmed from attraction

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Yunhee once believed that Taehyung's fascination stemmed from attraction.

She had, after all, spent the best part of a year in a relationship with his doppelgänger.

The potency of his kiss the night they'd dined at his mansion, fuelling a sinful fire in her veins. It could easily have been the remnant embers of a flame that once burned bright in another world. She was even willing to blame the aftermath of his velvet whispers on her mental health after the trauma he'd inflicted.

That would have been a mistake.

It was not Taehyung who called to her. Nor was he responsible for the appalling deeds committed over the years.

It was The Darkness. A grand master, controlling the Mafia King like a puppet on a string.

Two Souls; One Star.

A beautiful name, yet a troubling tale of light versus dark, good versus evil, destiny versus destruction. The Greater Good brought Jimin into her life, but The Darkness polluted their love, its black presence seeping into the purest corners of her soul and arousing desires that had no business there.

There was nothing Yunhee could do to control it; the malevolent energy was bigger than anything any of them could ever comprehend, leaving her incapable of ridding her mind of his precious calls and visions of an unwanted future.

They haunted her frequently now. In the National Library this morning, in the car travelling home, in the bathroom after she slipped away to vomit up her stress because she was terrified of being unable to resist the entity who'd travelled across an entire universe to find her.

'Just another day in paradise,' Yunhee muttered as she arched across the lounge pug with an almighty yawn.

One of the perks of Jimin's library was the cosy seating dotted around the bookshelves, but an hour of reading the enlightening book had left her fatigued.

In need of a distraction before everybody filed in for the latest debrief, Yunhee let her imagination dream up a colourful crescendo of the mafia trio and her close friends bravely fending off an evil spirit to rescue her.

Cuss words from Jimin as bullets flew in all directions, a chortling Jin, an impatient Namjoon. If Hobi's shrill scream didn't frighten The Darkness back into its cave, then Jungkook's spinning hook kick and Suga's resting bitch face would.

As for Tae, what would he do to save her?

'Hey, trouble, the guys are on their way!' Jin broke into her chaotic daydream, striding into the library with a mountain of hardbacks in his arms. 'You still have the book?'

Lifting the item in question, Yunhee waved it at him with a dry smile. 'Can barely put the thing down. Bestseller material and all.'

'Plenty more in here if you fancy a change,' he suggested as he juggled the novels and rolled the ladder along the bookshelf.

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