Chapter 12

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Oh, how he missed the purity of tobacco

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Oh, how he missed the purity of tobacco.

Tendrils of smoke churned from Taehyung's mouth, drifting skywards to creep along the underbelly of the bridge like slinking ivy.

The breeze was biting tonight, coasting east off the choppy river like a snow drift on a mountain cliff, but he felt nothing but warmth thanks to his leather gloves and beloved cashmere coat.

It was 00:03, however, and his guest was chillingly late.

Taehyung despised tardiness. Fortunately, Kim Seokjin's journal kept him entertained enough to not commit homicide on the banks of the Han, and Hoseok would only make his ears bleed with his whining if left to mop up the bloody mess.

October sixth was the first entry, a myriad of scribblings based on the mystery surrounding the stone, concluded by a comment that their hostage had come banging on the club door a week before.

It was old news to Taehyung; Yunhee had escaped his clutches and tumbled through the vortex, and he still had a stiletto mark on his shin and the scar on his back to prove it.

Insolent brat.

Turning the page, Taehyung beheld a missive dated a couple of days later.

8th October 2019: Does the stone react to Aristotle's Four Elements? Air during a when it's buried deep underground, and extreme heat such as a lightning strike (which........I'd rather steer clear of)? My best bet is water..... ... .... ..

'What on earth?' Taehyung's face contorted as his cigarette ash flitted away in the frosty wind.

For an educated man, Seokjin's use of ellipses was disgraceful.

11th October 2019: Water definitely works.....but it appears the stone needs to be submerged for the vortex to open. Yunhee received a love note from Jimin after we poured several litres over it. Did boss figure out the elements, too? Hmm, ..

'Interesting,' Taehyung mused, paying no more heed to comrade's terrible grammar as he tweaked the butt of his cig.

Yunhee had stated a similar point about immersing the stone. Yes, getting her to plunge it into a container of water would definitely do the trick when the time came.

25th October 2019: Jiminy Cricket! Jiminie is home! I wanted to throw him a welcome home party, but.. ...I couldn't tear the pillock away from Yunhee.

'Jesus wept,' Taehyung muttered as he jumped to another page.

26th October 2019: I was right about the fire! It seems Jimin and Joon's doppelgänger fried their eyebrows off trying to get him home.

Taehyung repressed a snort, the tip of his rollie sizzling as he dragged the fumes into his lungs.

It was a crying shame they hadn't burned to death in the process.

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