Chapter 20

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Pearlescent dawn filtered through the curtains, bringing with it new dreams and fresh aspirations as a chorus of melodic birdsong drifted around the bedroom

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Pearlescent dawn filtered through the curtains, bringing with it new dreams and fresh aspirations as a chorus of melodic birdsong drifted around the bedroom.

Yeah, right.

'Shut the fuck up, already!' Yunhee screamed at a cooing pigeon as it patrolled the outer sill.

Sleep deprivation really did bring out the worst in people. No matter how beautiful the morning appeared, Yunhee was in no mood for the clucking collared doves and twittering blue tits that flocked to Kim Taehyung's gardens.

Hours on end she'd stayed awake, tinkering with the togs of her hoodie while listening out for Jimin throwing stones at the window.

One half of her brain told her to come up with a plan of her own because it was too soon for him to follow, while the other half fretted over whether Taehyung would pay her a visit in the dead of the night.

The cabinet she'd shifted in front of the door was a sturdy piece, but it was not going to keep the devil himself out.

Thankfully, she wasn't molested, but as the sun rose and made way for a new day, Yunhee's next mental hurdle was counting down the minutes until Taehyung came knocking for breakfast.

How tempting it was to tell him to go back to hell. Alas, she'd agreed to join him on the off chance he'd let her see Jinnie.

Jitterier than a June bug on amphetamines, Yunhee hopped off the layered bedding and strayed around the expansive room.

It was the same as ten minutes ago. The full-length mirror beside the dressing table. The walk-in wardrobe, freakishly packed with elegant outfits, dinner dresses and stilettos. As if she was going to use the shower and change into any of that.

Towels. Moisturisers. Pungent perfumes and expensive accessories. Floor-length drapes framing windows and balcony doors that would not budge when she tried to open them.

Taehyung had known that she would not crawl beneath his sheets so willingly. He'd known that she would specifically choose this room when given the option. He'd set it up for her weeks ago.

A prison disguised as a woman's pretty boudoir.

'Creep,' Yunhee mumbled as she trundled back to the bed.

Perching on the edge of the mattress, she cast her eyes over the cherry wood nightstand that was home to a touch lamp, alarm clock and a fresh vase of gypsophila. The sweet little setting was crying out for a book that she was never in a hundred years going to read.

Unless there was reading material in the drawer...

Yunhee judiciously slid the compartment open, conscious that Taehyung may have left her a blindfold and dildo as she tooted inside. There were no sex toys, thank heavens, but her pulse accelerated when she caught sight of a flashy looking smartphone.

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