Chapter 11

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Double-checking his desk drawers were secure, Jimin locked up the study, and then collapsed against the door with an audible sigh

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Double-checking his desk drawers were secure, Jimin locked up the study, and then collapsed against the door with an audible sigh.

Bookkeeping sucked, especially when a man was up to his elbows in fabled legends concerning supernatural energy, but how could he deny Namjoon a break after days of non-stop grafting, or prohibit Jin from going on a date when he had the luxury of Yunhee's company?

There were times when a boss had to look after the welfare of his colleagues and row the boat alone.

The House of Cards was a lost cause, but it was not his only capital. For years, Jimin had invested shares in multiple businesses across the country. Those dividends, however, were very much in danger of falling into the wrong hands because there was no telling what that shrewd bastard would do next.

Taehyung had taken the club and was gunning for Yunhee, but he wouldn't put it past the guy to inventively embezzle both him and his reputation dry while he was at it. Those remaining investments kept Jimin afloat, and if he didn't keep a close eye on them, everything he'd worked for would be dead in the water.

Abandoning the cold wood of the study door, Jimin moved through the lamplit foyer, eager to get his backside upstairs before Taehyung's quick-witted achievements dissolved his brain like sulfuric acid.

Credit where it was due; running an enterprise - whether justly or corrupt - could knock a man sideways if he didn't keep his shit together. Taehyung was an exceptional tyrant through and through, and had done an outstanding job building his empire and infiltrating the livelihood of his enemy.

Taehyung's biggest failure? Being an honourable Mafia King.

Striving to do right by your country and the people you loved was a hardship he would never understand.

The knotty question: was Tae capable of undertaking his role and accomplishing greatness in his stead?

Jin had said that The Greater Good had drawn him from Busan to help them defeat The Dark Energy, and now, Jimin could not for the life of him shake the idea from his head.

The concept of Tae operating in an alternative world didn't sit well with him. If anything, it went against his ethical grain after years of feuding, but unlike his doppelgänger, Tae had a shred of decency, and switching them out could be the saving grace that the parallel Seoul ultimately needed.

First, though, he wanted to discuss it with Yunhee. There was a high chance that he had officially lost the plot, and if anyone was going to give it to him straight, it was her.

The brutally frank woman was unwinding in their bedroom, and Jimin couldn't think of anything more fulfilling than taking a hot shower, lounging beside her, and talking with her into the early hours.

Yunhee had something to tell him, too, and since hearing her throw her guts up in the downstairs toilet this morning, Jimin had gnawed half of his fingernails off fretting about whether she was ill, or if she was carrying his-

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