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I sat in my usual spot at my favorite restaurant. I looked out the window to my left waiting for my the leader of my rivals to come in. While waiting I ordered my usual drink and dish since its been a couple hours since I've eaten anything to satisfy me completely. I sigh as I look out the window into the parking lot. It was snowing since its now December and its the holiday season. But I wasn't to fond of it since this was the time of year I left my best friend behind years ago. Or so I thought I did.

The bell range singling that someone had entered the restaurant. I looked over and I saw a tall dark skin nigga. He was skinny and he wore clothes that make him stand out. He wore a golf hat and he was with a small group of people. He reminded me of my friend Tyler Okonma. It made me laugh a little but that didn't make me stop looking over the somewhat tall boy. (Rakim is 6'7, while Tyler is like 5'8 in this story.)

The boy and his friends walk up to the waitress and ask for a table and she lead them two tables down from my booth. She then gave them each a menu told them she'll be back to get their orders and came over to me. She smiled at me and asked is everything ok or if I needed anything. I smiled at her and said everything was fine.

Waitress: "Ok, your drink should be ready I'll be back with your drink. Sorry for the long wait sir." She said

Rocky: "Its ok no need to rush, sweetheart." I said and she nodded in a nervously.

As soon as she left the bell rang again signaling someone else has come in. When I looked up it was my rival, the one and only Ferg. You must be wondering why he's my rival, well a long time ago when we were both in the same gang we were good friends after I had moved away from my hometown years ago and away from Tyler.

We were close or so I thought we were close. We hung out and did almost everything together until one day he and half of our gang end up turning on us. They were planning to do it for years but were waiting for the right moment to strike. In the process 50 people died and a couple people were injured. But they end up escaping and went into hiding for a few years until 5-6 years ago. Now we meet every other year to make sure our agreement is still in set and nobody crosses the line and into the others side of the city.

Ferg: "Rocky..." He said as he sat down.

Rocky: "Ferg.." I said as the waitress came back with my drink.

Waitress: "Hello, are you ordering sir?" She said as she brought out her pen and pad.

Ferg: "A glass of water would do." He said as she wrote it down.

Waitress: "Would you like something to eat too?" She asked.

Ferg: "Uh, a burger, no pickles, tomatoes, or lettuce, mustard and Fries please." He said and she wrote it down.

Waitress: "Ok, I'll be back with your water sir." She said and walked away.

Once she was outta sight it was silent for a moment. I looked out the window for a little then took a sip of my drink. As I do so I notice the darkskin boy staring at me as if he's trying to figure out who I am. But once he realized I was staring he blushed and looked away. I smile at his shyness before I frown and looked back at Ferg.

Rakim: "So, have you kept your side of the deal?" I said looking at him.

Ferg: "Have I ever let you down?" He said and I just looked at him.

Rakim: "Hn.." I said as the waitress brought him his water.

Ferg thanked her before bringing out the package and putting it on the table. I looked at it then him. He seemed to somewhat distracted by something but I'm not gonna ask him what it is tho. Its not my business to worry about him anymore, so why am I thinking about it? I sigh as the waitress brought me my food.

Ferg: "You see that table over there with the group of kids?" He asked.

Rakim: "What about them?" I asked as I took a bite of my food.

Ferg: "One of them is your best friend from years ago." He said causing me to stop eating and look at him.

Rakim: "Tyler?" I said kinda loud and the kid with the golf hat looked up.


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