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(A few weeks later)


Me and Tyler are sitting I'm my car in the middle of no where. We were watching the city from a cliff. It was a spot I go to when I needed to think or something, so I decided to bring Tyler here as an apology for what happened last week.

His parents found out was glad that he wasn't badly injured. They thanked me for saving Tyler and said I can come over anytime with my mom and sister. I agreed and they continued to let me hangout with Tyler even tho we're both adults now technically.

Tyler: "Rakim?..." He called out.

Rocky: "What's up billy goat?" I said.

Tyler: "So you and Asap Ferg were a thing?" He asked.

I sat there for a moment wondering how he figured that out. Cause I didn't tell him anything about my past. I hated talking about it, wasn't something I was proud of. Even the choices I make now ion like but I gotta do to keep my momma and sister alive.

Rocky: "Uh yea, how'd you know?" I asked him.

Tyler: "Donald told me while you were nocked out cold in the hospital last week. He told me to make sure to keep you sane and be there for you even if it meant we argued." He said not looking at me.

Rocky; "Hmm, seems like I need to talk to him again before something happens and you get in danger again." I said as I leaned my seat back.

It then went silent again. I looked over and saw that Tyler was thinking really hard about something so I grabbed his hand getting his attention. When we locked eyes I gave him a small smile before I said.

Rocky: "You know you can talk to me, T. Like old times remember?" I said.

Tyler: "But it isn't like old times, Rocky. We're older and we haven't seen each other in years. You don't know me like you used too. And vise versa, so it's best if we caught up more with each other cause to be honest. I don't know if this is really you I'm talking too or if it's someone new." He said.

I looked at him and nodded. He was right, we haven't seen each other in years. But not much has changed tho. Just the fact that I've been in a gang for a couple years and that my father brought me into something I can't get out of fairly.

I then sigh and slid my hand down my face cause imma have to tell him the truth. Cause I never could lie to Tyler, never. That's one thing that didn't sit right with me since we were young. I then looked out the window as I spoke.

Rakim: "Nothing much has changed to be honest. My father brought me into a gang at an early age. That's how I met Donald aka asap Ferg. Me and him knew each other when I first started school here in Harlem. We eventually became close, like brothers almost. Until we became teenagers and  we started to realize we both liked guys and not girls. My parents were expecting like always, along with the gang..." I said pausing smiling faintly. "But I always talked about you every chance I got. How I was gonna see you again one day when I got old enough. How I was gonna tell you my feelings. What happened over the years, how my mom and sister was doing. Ect; but one thing I really wanted to tell you was how much I missed yo goofy ass and how much it really hurt not seeing your face everyday. But then one night I was angry as fuck. We had lost a bunch of product due to confusion and we lost a few men. Ferg was there so I ended up taking my frustration out on him. And then from that day on we'd have sex occasionally but not all the time. Then the day came when the group split. They attacked outta nowhere, half our men gon. Almost half of our "family" dead. The people we called out brothers and sisters killed them. They went to the other side, and just so happen, Ferg did too. But by then, we weren't on good terms. We had stopped fucking with each other bc of an argument that happened 2-3 months prior. We still worked together ye, but other then that nothing. But anyways, once they retreated they went to their side of New York. And the only time they step foot anywhere near our side is when me and Ferg meet up every year in December for the exchange. Other then that we don't talk." I said now staring at him with tears threatening to spill.

Tyler: "I- I'm sorry for your lost. I didn't know that..." He said as he looked away whipping tears away.

I quickly whipped my eyes before tears fell. I sigh and got out the car. I closed the door and grabbed out a cigarette. I leaned against the car and put it between my lips and lit it. Once I inhailed the smoke and blew it out Tyler had already got out the car and walked to my side. I sigh and put the pack in my pocket knowing he doesn't smoke because of his asthma.

Tyler: "Picked it up from your old man." He said in not really a question nor statement.

Rakim: "Yes, only thing I can remember him by nowadays." I said as I blew the smoke away from him.

We sat like that for a while. Just looking at the field in front of us. Nothing to say just comfortable silence, like old times.

Tyler: "Ya know, when you left I made a couple of more friends. They were just like me and that reminded me of you. We were complete opposites and we argued over the stupidest stuff sometimes. But then there was our fight fights where we almost feel apart..." He said as he looked at him feet. "Times changed Rocky. We not kids anymore, we aren't them no more. But one thing that still kinda hasn't found it's answer yet is... Are the feelings still mutual?" He said looking  up at me.

I stared at him and then...


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