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(P.S. in this chapter Rakim has one arm through the hoodie he was wearing while they were hanging out. So the stitches he got from Jahseh are showing and yes he's in pain but he's numb to it since he's been hurt before. Anyways hop y'all like this one, it's gonna be a little smut too. But ✌🏾)

I watched as Tyler frantically search his pockets for his phone. But the thing is I had grabbed his phone while he was sleep and already told his parents about it. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

Rakim: "Tyler calm down, they already know. I called them and told them everything while you were sleep. They're with my mom and sister right now. I promise they're ok." I said.

His frantic, wild eyes calmed down when I told him that. He nodded at me and closed his eyes. I pulled him closer to my body forgetting about my stitches. But when his leg grazed my side I hissed a little.

Tyler: "You Oki? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I.." He said but I cut him off.

Rakim: "Baby, I'm fine. You just grazed my stitches a little. " I said as

Tyler: "But it could still open it.." he started but I cut him off with a passionate kiss.

He didn't kiss me for a little bit. But he eventually did after a while. I grabbed the bottom of his thighs and picked him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist and I carried him to the guest room upstairs.

As we walk past the others I heard d them all yell and whistle. We stopped kissing and I flicked them off. Tyler stuck out his tongue and winked at them. Once we made it to the top step I ran to the guest causing Tyler to yelp.

I smirked at his reaction. When we got into the room I closed the door and locked it. I walked over to the bed and sat him down. I took off my jacket completely and threw it somewhere to the side. I looked at Tyler who had lust and nervousness in his eyes.

I cupped his face and he leaned into it. I rubbed my thumb along his cheek for a little before moved my hand down to his throat. His eyes grew big like before but when I tightened my grip he slightly moan. I then smirked at his response before pulling him to his feet.

When he was I roughly kissed his plump lips. He gasp which allowed me to stick my tongue in and roam his mouth. I pulled him close to me as he moaned into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck. I picked him up only for a knock at the door to stop us.

Rakim: "Who is it?" I yelled out to whoever was on the other side.

Jahseh: "We gotta go Kim, they here." He said.

Rakim: "Fuck.."



Sorry for the late & short chapter. But uh, hopefully y'all like it and I'll update again soon... hopefully, maybe. No promises tho, but anyways, I hope y'all have a good day. Bye loves ✌🏾❤️

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