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I was kissing Rakim. My best friend who moved away years ago. The man who I never got over. My first crush on anyone was kissing me and I was just standing there. Like an idiot...

I mentally faced palmed myself when I felt him pull away. But I didn't want him to stop. So I attacked his lips roughly and eagerly. I then wrapped my arms around him as his arms snaked around my hips.

He pulled me into him as he leaned back on the car with me pressed against his body. I blushed as we continued kissing.

Once we pulled away we rested our foreheads against each other, outta breath. We didn't say anything an just stayed like that for awhile, until I hugged his middle and rested my head on his chest. He leaned his chin on my head and sighed.

Rakim: "I've loved you for so long. Just didn't know how to back to you with getting you involved with what I'm doing. But I know that would mean that I'll have to leave and doing that is gonna cause you to be in as much danger." He said holding me tighter.

Tyler: "It's gonna be a pain in the ass for sure. But I'll stand with you no matter what." I said as I backed up to look at him.

He looked into my eyes. I knew they looked numb and empty. But that didn't mean I wasn't gonna be there for Rocky. I wasn't gonna leave him again, not for a long while. Even if it means I have to run and hide without telling my family.

I just hope I make the right choice...

*Gun goes off*

I opened my eyes that I never knew I closed. I stumbled towards the car and started to panic. I turned around and saw Rakim shooting at whoever was in front of him.

Rakim: "Get in the car, T." He said with out looking.

Tyler: "No, who the fuck is here?" I asked as I tried to walk towards him.

Rakim: "Tyler, I'm not right now. I'll explain later. Get in the car!" He said quickly glancing back at me.

Tyler: "But Rakim..." I started but was stopped when he gave me a certain look.

I gulped and nodded. I got in the back seat and locked the doors. I covered my ears and laid across the back seat. I closed my eyes and let it all pass by thinking about the possible outcomes of what's gonna happen.

The next thing I know is being shaken awake at a house. I didn't realize who's it was so or where I was. So when I heard a someone spoke it scared me.

Rakim: "It's just me, T." He said as he held his hand out.

I nodded at him and grabbed his hand. He pulled me out the car and into his chest. He grunted when our body's clashed together. I mentally noted that he must be injured if he grunted like that. But other then that I didn't say anything.

Tyler: "Where are we?" I asked.

Rakim: "My friends house, come on." He said as he lead the way.

Tyler: "Ok.." was all I said.

When we made it to the front door he knocked a couple times before a voice was heard on the other side. We waited a few minutes while the person was opening the door. As that was happening I was looking around the neighborhood from where I stood. But I couldn't see much since it was now dark.

A couple people walked the streets but there was barely any movement. The lights in most of the houses were off. A couple yelling can be heard in the distance. And sirens can be seen a little bit down the street. The stars were showing tonight more than usual and cars were passing by every now and again.

Rakim: "Tyler!!" I heard him semi-yell.

I looked behind me and saw Rakim and a pretty boi with blue dreads staring at me. I walked over and introduced my self to the gentleman.

Tyler: "Hi I'm Tyler Okonma. I'm.." I was cut off by the dread head.

Jahseh: "I know who you are Tyler. It's nice to finally meet you. My name's Jahseh Onfroy. But my friends call me Jah or Seh." He said with a warm smile. "Come in."

I looked at Rakim who nodded and walked into Jah's house. I then looked at Jah who gave a warm smile. I gulped again and walked into the house. I then walked over to the kitchen table. As it was the first thing I saw.

When I sat down I saw that Rakim and Jahseh we're looking at me like they didn't expect me to just sit down immediately. I blushed a little and looked away only to see three other guys in the kitchen. They were staring at me now too.  And if I wasn't dark I would've been red as a tomato right about now.

Guy 1: "JAHSEH, WHO THE HELL IS THIS? AND WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH." The guy who had a durag on his head yelled.

Jahseh: "Nigga if you don't shut the hell up and leave Tyler alone. Rakim is here, and he finally brought Tyler over here. So be nice Stokeley." He said as Rakim and himself walk into the kitchen/dining room.

Stokeley: "Oh my bad homie. Ian know you was him. Rakim never showed us a picture of you. But he did tell stories of how y'all spent a lot of time together." He said as he drank his drink.

Boi 2: "Ye, and by the way I'm Cordae and that's Jay." He said pointing to the dark skin who's now looking through the fridge.

Jay: "Hi Tyler.." He said as he sorta did a wave at me.

Tyler: "Hi, it's nice to meet you all." I said politely.

Stokeley: "So Rakim, what brings you dumb ass here today." He says as if this was a regular thing.

Rakim: "Someone from the other side came while me and T were hanging out. I ended up getting hit in my side and I was wondering if Jah could clean it up. I was also wondering if we could stay the night." He said he took a step towards Jahseh.

Jah: "Ye, ye.. that's cool let's get you cleaned up in the bathroom." He said as him and Stokeley helped him as he was about to faint.

I was about to go with them when another voice stopped me.

Guy4: "No need to go in there. Jahseh, doesn't like having too many people in there while he cleans someone up. Makes him nervous and anxious, doesn't end well when he's like that tho. But anyways, Tyler? Right?" He said as he walked towards the table.

Tyler: "Yes, who must you be?" I said as I raised my eyebrow.

Guy 4: "My name's..." He started.

Stokeley: "Back away from him..."


(I know another cliff hanger. And another chapter for this book earlier then when I usually post on here nowadays. So yea, it's too keep y'all busy until I get another chapter up in a couple of days or weeks or months. But I hope y'all like it.)

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