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'Everything was going smoothly, everything was fine. Everything was just going and I could figure out what was going on until after my body moved before I could process. It was all to fast but I guess I've been in it to many times that I knew what to do before thinking. Fuck... I guess I needa quite doing this soon before I actually end up dead.' I thought to myself.

I then looked around and saw I was in a park. It was dark and there was this big screen that was all black in the distance. I just looked at it not really understanding what is happening or what it was. So I looked at my surroundings again and noticed I was alone. The street lights were on but that was about it.

That's when I heard laughter which made me look at the direction it was coming from. When I looked it was two little kids playing and I started to smile. I always loved watching kids playing, reminded of when my little sister and I playing at home.

I then felt the ground start to shake. The next thing I know is the kids were screaming and they were running. The ground was splitting open and they were trying to escape from it. But they end up falling and I froze. I watched them die not even moving a muscle. I didn't save them I...

Before I could even finish my thought I saw the ground cracking towards me. I tried to get up but I felt like I was stuck. I kept trying to move my body but I couldn't. I was actually stuck on the bench. Or so I thought I was. But when I was able to move it was too late. I was swallowed up by the earth.

With that I woke up only to groan loudly and wince in pain. I heard someone coming towards me and touch my hand. I squeezed it as tight as I possibly could until the pain was subsided. Once it was gone I opened my eyes to see Tyler.

He was in a hospital gown as well as I was but he only looked to have miner cutes and bruises on him. He smiled at me weakly and I smiled back. I then noticed someone behind him and noticed it was Ferg. He was standing closer to the door and seem like he was sad or something. He left before I could say anything.

I then looked back at Tyler who gave me a small smile. I then reached out and cupped his check. He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes. But it was only for a brief moment before he moved away from my touch and started talking.

Tyler: "Do you remember what happened?" He asked

Rakim: "Not really no.. all I remember was moving in front of you and then nothing." I said not mentioning my dream.

Tyler: "We were hanging out at the mall and we were looking at clothes. While I was looking for something some guy came up to me and was starting talking to me. I didn't know what he was talking about and he thought he was lying. While I was was talking to him he pulled out two guns and started shooting. But somehow u ended up in front of me and blocked all the shots." He said not looking at me.

I didn't say anything since I didn't know what to say. I just started at him and watched as he gets lost in his train of thought for a while. I then moved over groaning in pain with every move. I then patted the newly empty spot I made for Tyler to lay in. He nodded and laid next to me laying his head on my chest.

We the laid down in silence in our own thoughts. Not bothering the other but completely welcomed in each other's company like old times. I just wonder what's gonna happen after today.


(Ok so imma switch their heights. Tyler is gonna be Rakim's height in real life and Rakim, Tyler's height. Instead of making Rakim 6'7 and Tyler 5'6 or whatever height I gave him in the story. They're just gonna switch the heights to the others cause I want rakim to be taller then Tyler in this story. Anyways, here's a short chapter today.)

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