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I watched as Tyler talks to Jahseh and the others. He looks so different than what we imagined. But then again we did see pictures of them together when they were younger. I bet non of us actually thought he'll look the same tho. Rakim doesn't look anything like his younger self.

Jay: "Why are you staring so hard? You like him or something?" He said as he rest his chin on my shoulder.

Cordae: "No, I'm just thinking and I just so happen to be looking in their direction." I said going to another section of the room to lay down in.

Jay hummed in response as he followed me. We then got on an air mattress that was set up by the wall. We were facing each other not saying a word. Then we heard shuffling and small whispers here and there but it was mainly quiet.

Not to long after we heard Melvin's voice.

Melvin: "Lights out grimlins." He said loud enough for all of us to hear.

Then the lights were turned off and movement could be heard. Then after a while it was silent and light snores could be heard.

Jay: "You know I love you, right?" I heard him say.

Dae: "Mhm.." I hummed.

Jay: "Do you really?" He asked.

Cordae: "Yes, I do." I said giggling a little.

Jay: "You better, cuz if not.... I would've had to show you with everyone in here." He said, whispering the last part in my ear.

I then blushed a light pink and smiled.

Melvin: "Nigga I heard that ya know. Shit finna make me cringe hard." He yelled from the other side of the room.

Which made me blush more and caused some of the others to giggle.

Jay: "Good, so you can shut up how you gon fuck Melly. Or how good the niggas pussy is." He yelled back.

Melvin: "At least mine got..." He started.

Rakim: "You better not say shit bout Cordy, mane. Cuz you know we all gon jump yo goofy ass. Now both of y'all need to shut tf up and stay quiet if y'all ain't going to sleep. Cuz if we get caught by a spy from the other side or one of our own y'all both gon be in front lines to go when we get cleared." He yelled causing them both to shut their mouths.

I looked at Jay who was looking at me already. I smiled up at him and he smirked a little. I then moved up a little so that I was able to kiss his lips. He meet me half way and connected our lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer. I wrapped my legs around him as we pull away from the kiss. I smile shyly at him when we made eye contact.

I then hid my face in the crock of his neck as he pulled me on top of him. He then pulled the covers over top of us and we went to sleep.


I lay there holding Tyler in my arms. I couldn't go back to sleep after the yelling and stuff. I then sit up and take my shirt cause I was getting hot. I laid back down and pulled Tyler closer to my chest then before.

Tyler: "Kim?" He said in a sleepy voice.

Rakim: "Shh, I'm right her just go to sleep. Ok?" I said to him.

Tyler: "Ok, night Rakim." He said.

Rakim: "Good night T." I said kissing the spot were his neck and shoulder connect.

I keep kissing that spot over and over. Moving my hands down his chest and to the hem his pants. I then started sucking and biting on certain areas on his exposed next.

Tyler: "Mmmm, Rakim... Stop.." He said.

He said in a semi loud whisper.

Rakim: "Ok, I will." I said kissing his neck on more time.

Which earned a small whimper from Tyler. I then but my lip and turned Tyler around to face me. His eyes were wide with surprise and his mouth was open a gap.

Rakim: "Close your mouth before I close it for you, ma." I said in a deep voice.

Tyler then whimpered again and closed his mouth. He then scooted closer to me for warmth and I smirked. I pulled the blanket on top of us and wrapped Tyler's legs around my waist. I then grabbed his ass and I flipped us over to where I was on my back.

I then started grinding both of our hips together causing friction. I felt him bite down on my shoulder blade causing me to groan. I then moved his hips against mine a lil faster. More whimpers came out of Tyler's mouth along with moans.

I quietly hushed him so the others wouldn't wake. I then bucked my hips up meet the fast movements of how Tyler's hips were.

Tyler: "R-ra... Kim..." He said in between shakey breaths.

Rakim: "I know baby, I am too." I said as we both reach our highs.

Once we were done we were both outta breath. I smiled lightly when Tyler snuggled his head closer to the crock of my neck and went to sleep. I then pecked the side of his head and closed my eyes with a content smile on my face.

Uncle Joe

Guy: "We know they're here. So show us were they are." He said.

Uncle Joe: "I have no clue what your talking about sir. I'm just an old Korean guy working at a take out place he's owned since he was young. So if you would excuse me I need to close my shop." I said as I motioned these men to leave.

Guy: "Not until you show us where they are, Uncle Joe." He said rasing his voice reaching for his weapon.

Uncle Joe: "You'll have to get through me first, Mir..."


Ik the smut for Tyler/Rakim, Cordae/Jay weren't long. But it's something... Plus I'm at school so I can't really write much of it. But anyways, sorry it took a while to write this chapter. Too busy writing my LT fanfic and getting it done with short chapters. But hopefully you guys like it. Bye ❤️

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