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I was chilling with my friend at this restaurant we haven't been to before. As we were waiting for our food to come out I saw this guy who looks oddly like my old friend Rakim. But I can't tell if it was him since I haven't seen him in years. So when he caught me staring at him I kinda blushed and looked cause he was kinda cute. Anyways after that happened The bell over the door rang and I looked and saw it was the guy I meet before. I wonder what he was doing here.

Taco: "Hey Tyler? If Earl was a girl wouldn't he be hot?" He asked knocking me out my thoughts.

Tyler: "Nigga I don't know I'm gay remember?" I said hitting the back of his head.

Syd laughed at him as he mumbled something about he forgot and that I was a fag or something but I wasn't paying attention. Then we started talking about what we were doing for the holidays and what we were gonna do with our skateboards since they were getting older and stuff. While we were talking I heard my name get called so I looked up and I saw the guy with the braids looking at me.

He seemed like he just heard some news and was called out a random name or something. But anyways I furrowed my eyebrows at him a little bit more before going back to talking to my friends.


Rocky: "How do you know that?" I said now getting confused and a little angry.

Ferg: "After the gang slip up I had one of the tech people find him and keep tabs on him. Just so happens he gets a call from the girl with the short hair that goes by Syd that they wanted to go to the restaurant they haven't been too before. He ends up agreeing and now they're here waiting there food talking." He says looking at the table at the end of his lil talk.

Rocky: "Why would you do that? I didn't ask you too. I was gonna find him again one day just not this soon. I was gonna wait until things died down in the city before I could go search for him." I said looking down at my plate of food.

Ferg: "I did it because I knew how much he meant to you. Plus, you talked about how much you wish you could see him. And that one day when everything died down with the gang stiff and when you were either leader or right hand man you'll one day find him and ask him to be yours am I correct?" He said as he tilted his head a little bit.

Rocky: "Yea, but that doesn't mean go snoop into his life and find shit out about him. You shouldn't snoop through peoples personal life without consent Ferg. You know how that ended up the first time." I said looking at him my voice showing nothing but hurt.

Ferg just sat there silent. The waitress then cam with his food and he thanked her. He looked at it for a while thinking about something. I look back over at the table again and see the kid and his friends looking over with concern looks on their faces. I look away and at Ferg again to see him staring at me too. I sigh and grabbed the bag and held it out to him. He looked at it before he grabbed it and hanging me the yellow envelope. We then ate our food in silence.

I then got dessert and a to go bag for my food and dessert. Once I got that I paid the waitress and left. While I was walking out I looked at the table of kids and made eyes contact with them all. But when I made eye contact with the dark skin one who looked like Tyler. It was longer than when I stared at his friends. I smiled sadly at him and walked out putting the yellow envelope in my trench coat pocket and into the car waiting outside for me.

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