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As I walked back into the living room I saw Melvin talking to Tyler. Cordae and Jay were prolly still in the kitchen doing something. I mentally face palm myself, knowing what the fuck is gonna happen.

Melvin: "And why should I?" He said giving his evil smirk.

Stokeley: "Cause you know what will happen when Rakim finds out your near one of his people." I said in a warning.

Melvin: "One of his.. Tyler is merrily a friend of Rakim. Unless they're 'Lovers' who just discovered that they actually like each other." He said looking at Tyler while say the last part.

I was gonna say something when Melly came into the room.

Melly: "Melvin, leave the poor boi alone. He ain't do nothing to nobody. Always causing problems with people. You know that you nor Rakim get along so why toy with him?" He said rubbing his eye as he walks into the dining room.

Melvin: "Cause it makes things more interesting around here since there's nothing better to do." He said getting up walking towards Melly.

Melly: "Well, stop cause the next time something happens between y'all and Jahseh gets kicked out of the house. You will too, so don't play with me." He said threatening.

Melvin went silent and hugged Melly from behind. Melly then looked at Tyler and smiled.

Melly: "Sorry about that, he's very... Unique." He said.

Tyler: "Yea, I can tell. I'm guessing you already know name." He said as he raised an eyebrow at Melly.

Melly: "Yes, I'm Melly. This is Melvin. We're an experiment that went wrong. But in a way it was a good thing cause we have each other. And our friends as well." He said.

Tyler: "oh..." He said and sadly smiled at them.

Melly: "It's ok tho, it works out in some ways.... Anyways, where's Rakim?" He asked looking at Tyler then me.

Rakim: "Right here.." He said from behind me.

Stokeley: "AAAGGH..." I screamed. "Don't do that man."
(Chris Tuckers voice @ man. 😏)


I sat there and watched the scene in front of me. I didn't say anything tho. I watched how they interacted with each other. They act like family, like they've knew each other from the jump.

Cordae: "Don't worry, we didn't steal him from you. He's been closed off to all of us about a lot of stuff. Except for Ferg, he's the only person who knew about Kim besides his father." He said as he sat next to me.

Tyler: "Really? Y'all seem close like family. Wouldn't seem like he was closed off so much. When we first met.."

Rakim: "When we first met I didn't know if you were slow or just dumb. But I found you funny, I found you someone I could trust. So I opened up to you and I'm glad I did." He said cutting me off as he walked over to me.

I smiled at that before I felt someone jump on me. I yelp as the chair falls back onto the floor. I look at who it was and saw it was Jahseh. When we made eyes contact we bust out laughing. We were like that for a few minutes before we got up and whipped our eyes.

I looked at the others who looked amused. But when I looked at Rakim he looked satisfied. Then again he also had this other look in his eye. I couldn't tell what it was tho.

Guy 6: "Guys I'm hungry." Another guy said with dreads.

Rakim: "You not gon say hello first?" He said causing the other male to jump in surprise.

Guy6: "Oh shit.. can't be scaring black folk like that, nigga." He said holding his chest.

Rakim: "My bad Mir." He said chuckling as he side hugs him.

The guy hugged him back and then looked at me.

Guy 6: "Who dis?" He asked pointing to me.

Kim: "That's Tyler, Mir." He said.

Mir: "That's yo Tyler?" He said.

Kim: "Ye, y?" He said walking over to me

Mir: "He ain't what I imagined. But then again you did have photos of him in yo house." He said.

Kim: "Boi if you don't stop playing, imma shoot yo ass." He said.

Mir: "Ight ight.." he said laughing. "My name's Nahmir. But everyone calls me Nick, Nicholas, or Mir."

Tyler: "Nice to meet you, Nahmir." I said nodding my head.

Rakim: "Can I talk to you real quick?" He said giving me shivers.

I nodded my head and he excuses us from the group. He then lead me to the bathroom and locked the door. I stood there nervous as fuck, jittering and shit.

Rakim: "Sit on the counter so you can stay still." He said lowly.

Tyler: "Ok." I said.

I did as told and faced his direction. He walked towards me and stood between my legs. I looked away and as to not make eye contact. He grabbed my face and made me look at him. I got nervous again and tried to look away but I couldn't due to his grip.

Rakim: "Tyler Okonma, if you don't look me in my eyes imma punish you." He said.

I immediately looked him in the eyes. When I did that he looked pleased. But that just made me even more scared about what he was gonna say. Only one thing was running through my mind and it scared me to the core.

Is he gonna leave me again?

Rakim: "Calm down baby, in not going anywhere and neither are you. Together til the end always and will be." He said as he squeezed both my thighs.

I nodded my head in understanding.

Tyler: "What did you need to talk about?" I asked.

Rakim: "Something went wrong with the exchange last week and now people are after me because they think I was involved with it. And they think your in it too since they saw you there at the store with me last week." He said and I looked at him with shock.

Tyler: "I needa call my mom."


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