Drunk Calls

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Veronica's POV

Sitting alone in you're room doing homework is not how I would like to spend my Friday nights. But here I am laying in bed working on my math homework. Normally I would be out with friends or something. But not this Friday. Not after earlier events this week.

I haven't talked to most of my friends since Monday. Clearly, I was the person in the wrong. Betty was right and I was wrong. As always. I always knew our relationship wouldn't last. Why would it? She's the perfect girl next door and I'm just the girl from the city that had "bad news" written all over her.

Betty and I had been dating for over a year before things started going downhill. We started growing apart. We didn't talk much. And when we did talk our conversations were boring and bland. Nothing interesting. It was all just forced. The flirting, the love, the caring. Nothing seemed real anymore. And when I finally brought it up it became an argument. Then everyone sided against me. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore. The only people who talk to me anymore are Cheryl, Toni, and Archie. Everybody else just cut off all ties to me. Which I don't really care. If they don't like me anymore that's fine with me.

I looked at the time and realized it was nine. I sighed and started putting all my work away. I have all weekend to do it anyway. Homework is really exhausting. I got up and started getting around for bed. I got out of the shower and as I was getting dressed my phone started ringing. I half expected it to be my mom or something but it wasn't. I froze for a second as I read Betty's name. Why is she calling me? I debated whether I should answer or not. But in the end, I couldn't ignore her. We all know I can't ignore her. Even if I wanted to.

"Hello?" She let out a sigh.

"V?" She asked. It sounded like she was crying.


"I think I have a problem," She started. 

"Problem? What do you mean?" She took a deep breath.

"Um," Her voice cracked. "I'm drunk and I kind of did something stupid and I'm upset and I don't know what to do and I miss you and I really need you here right now and I don't know what to do." At this point, I could tell she was nearly bawling.

"Okay, I'm on my way. But what do you mean you did something stupid?"

"You'll understand when you get here,"

"Okay, I'm on my way now,"

"Okay, hurry."

I quickly made my way to her house. When I got there the door was cracked open. That worried me. I quickly walked inside and called out for her. I didn't get a response. That also worried me. I then started to look around for her. I eventually found her sitting on the bathroom floor with tears streaming down her face, a bottle of whiskey sitting next to her, and blood running down from her forehead. 

"Oh my God! Betty, what happened?" I asked, immediately kneeling down and examining the wound. 

"I got in a fight with my mom and I fell and hit my head. It's not that bad," she said trying to hold back tears. 

"No, it's not but let's get you cleaned up." I got a wet rag and started cleaning the wound and then put a bandaid over it. 

"Thanks," she said looking up at me. 

"Yeah," she reached over for the bottle of whiskey again. "Oh no! You are not taking another sip of that. You're already fucked up as it is," she smiled as I took it away. "Come on! Let's get you to bed. You're going to wake up with a massive hangover and you're going to hate your entire being."

"You'd love to see that. You know, after the break-up," she whispered. I just sighed and walked her to her room. I sat her in her bed and immediately stood back up.

"No, get in bed,"

"No, I need to change first. I am not sleeping in jeans thank you very much," she said and immediately started striping. I let out a small gasp and turned away. I could feel my face burning up. After a few minutes, she spoke. "You can turn back around now you embarrassed baby." I rolled my eyes and put her in her bed again. I pulled the blankets over her and she smiled at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're pretty,"

"You're drunk,"


"Okay, is there anything else you need before I go?" I asked.

"Go? Go where?"

"Go home,"

"Why are you going home?"

"I don't know. Just thought I would go home after helping you. I mean, you're all cleaned up, you're comfortable, and you're not crying anymore. I figured you'd want me to go home." 

"Do I need to cry again in order for you to stay? Because I will do it." 

"You really want me to stay?" She pulled the covers up, inviting me to come lay next to her. I sighed.


"Alright," I went and laid next to her and laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. "Please, don't cry again."

"I won't. Unless you try to leave." I laughed and started running my fingers through her hair. She eventually fell asleep. And so did I.

So I felt like writing something sweet today. I here's sweet I guess. I don't know. Anyway, bye loves. Expect more... maybe. 

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