chapter 6

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Jennie succeeded in avoiding Jongin for the rest of the weekend, even skipping her Monday class. He had texted her a few times, but she had succeeded in giving him lame excuses. Jennie weren’t sure how to handle her new found information on her study buddy. How many times had she touched herself to his body, his voice, his actions? For crying out loud, jennie had seen Jongin’s dick.

Jennie  was spending another evening cooped up in her apartment, avoiding the outside world during her dilema. She was working diligently on some homework when her phone buzzed with a new notification. It was all too familiar, that little bubble from her email…

Kimkiya is now live

Jennie stared down at her phone screen until the notification went away. Before she knew what she was doing, her browser was open and she was staring at the bare chest of Kai..or, well, Jongin.

Jennie shook her head, she couldn’t think about that. She went to click out of the browser at the exact moment Kai slipped his cock out of his pants.

Jennie froze, she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Alarm was ringing through her head. She needed to close this, to walk away. Jennie was overstepping an invisible boundary that she had set for herself. By leaving the window open, watching beautiful fingers stroking a gorgeous cock.

Jennie was too far gone. Her fingers left the mouse, moving down to her lap. Kai’s whispered grunts were leaving her laptop’s speakers and filling her room. The sounds went straight to her core. She felt herself getting wet immediately.

How did she get this weak? How did she let this beautiful man control her hormones and body so much?

Jennie's mind filled with Jongin’s face. His dark brows furrowed in pleasure as he stroked himself in front of a live audience. That image alone sent an emotion running through her veins that she couldn’t quite recognize. All she knew was that she was irrevocably turned on knowing that she knew Kai.

Jennie knew that he chewed obnoxiously loud, that he hated coffee, but love sweets. She knew he bit his fingernails and subconsciously rubbed his neck when he was thinking about something. Jennie knew what he smelled like, what the warmth of his thigh pressed against hers.

These thoughts drove jennie.

Well , drove her hand from laptop to her clit.

God what the hell is she doing.

Jongin was moaning now. Jennie knew his telltale signs of being close to his orgasm. She hadn’t touched herself in days. She was embarrassingly close already. She slid two fingers inside of herself. Her palm dug into her clit, and her fingers moved vigorously inside of herself.

Jongin moaned loudly, “....I’m close

Her own noises echoed his. Jennie  opened her eyes and watched his stomach muscles tense as his fingers moved quickly up and down his shaft. One more low grunt and he was spilling over his fingers.

Jennie felt herself breach over into her own euphoria. She came with a low moan of Jongin’s name slip past her lips. She leaned back into her chair, breathing heavy as she watched Jongin clean himself up. He leaned forward in his desk chair. He was speaking, but the ringing in her ears kept jennie from focusing on his words.

He ended the live and jennie shut her laptop closed.

Jennie sighed, how on earth was she  going to ever face Jongin again? How was she  going to look him in the eyes and work with him? She still had over a month of the semester left. She had to be in school on friday.

Jennie  knew she needed to be an adult about this. Be honest with Jongin, tell him what she knew. That’s what adults would do, right? But she was not a proper adult. And she was going to do the only natural thing that was to do.

Avoid everything.


Friday came and jennie had fully convinced herself that she can act completely normal around Jongin. Jennie woke up refreshed and ready to face the day. She got dressed, and even had time to get herself coffee on the way to class. She strolled into her class with her head held high. Jennie can do this *she thought*.

Jongin was seated at his desk with his head down, his face buried into his arms, clearly asleep. Jennie took a deep breath and walked over to his desk. She placed the smoothie against his bare arm, causing him to jump.

She took a seat next to him as he made a happy noise. “What’s this for?” He asked

Jennie grabbed her notebook from her bag and placed it on her desk. “It’s for bailing on you this weekend. Think of it as a small apology.” she said and turned to the last page of her notes.

“You don’t have to apologize. I just hope you’re feeling better, I missed you on Monday.”

Jennie made her mistake then. She turned to get her first, good look at him since walking into the classroom. His gorgeous lips wrapped around the straw of his smoothie, his deep brown eyes bored into hers.

Her heart stopped beating. There was no way she could possibly keep pretending that she did not know what this man’s dick looked like.

Jennie forced herself to swallow. “Yes, I’m feeling better.” she told him with a tight smile

He grinned broadly at jennie, making her stomach do back flips. Luckily, the professor chose that moment to walk into the classroom. She tore her eyes away from the adonis next to her happily sipping his smoothie.

She knew she  had to meet with Jongin after class. How was she  going to sit with him for a couple of hours. It would be nearly impossible to sit closer to him, knowing what Jennie knew. Seeing what she had seen

Fortunately, Jongin saved jennie from her own dilema. After class ended he turned to her with a sinful looking pout. “I can’t meet up with you this afternoon. I promised Chanyeol I would do this music thing with him. I’m really sorry.

Jennie smiled and shook her head, “Don’t worry about it! I still have to catch up from missing work on Monday.”

He smiled broadly, “I wanted to ask you...we’re having a party sunday. Do you want to come? I’d promise it’s nothing too crazy, but Chanyeol’s friend’s would make liars out of me.” He chuckled, dimples in his cheeks showing as he grinned at her.

Jennie couldn’t say no. Not when he was looking at her like that. She felt herself nodding her head yes before she could stop herself. “Yeah, sure. I’ll come.”

Jongin’s entire face, lit up when jennie said yes. “Good! I’ll text you the details tonight, okay?” He stood grabbing his now empty smoothie cup. “Thanks again for the drink.” He told her with a wink before heading out of the classroom.

She was frozen in her seat, her entire felt as though she had sat in a tub of ice because of the way Jongin spoke before leaving. It wasn’t his voice.

It was Kai’s.


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