chapter 7

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Jennie was staring at herself in the mirror. Her black dress was way too short and way too tight. She was certainly looked as though she was trying too hard. Jennie touched up her makeup and hair.

She was overthinking everything. She wasn't even going to go to this stupid party. Jennie knew it was dangerous territory, but she just wanted to see him in his own home.

Irene stuck her head in jennie's doorway and gave her a once over. "Wow, where are you headed?" She asked.

"Jongin’s having a party. Typical college sunday night, I guess." jennie tunrned to look at her, "Is this too much?"

She looked her over, "Well seeing as how Jongin is just a study buddy that you swear you’re not trying to fuck, that’s definitely a ‘fuck me’ dress."

Jennie frowned, "Alright, I’m changing."

Irene laughed, "No, no! Seriously you look really hot. Don’t change." She stepped closer to Jennie. "You should go and have fun. You’ve been cooped up too much. Go have a couple of drinks and relax."

Jennie nodded and gave her a smile. "Alright, I can do the social thing for once."

Standing in front of the door to Jongin’s apartment once again questioning every choice jennie ever made in her life. Truly, if she could hardly stand being in class with Jongin how was she  supposed to be in his freaking home.

Jennie swallowed down her fears and knocked on the door, the promise of alcohol driving her.

The door swung open and jennie wad facing  a ridiculously tall boy who was wearing a small grey t-shirt that clung tightly to his lean body. "Hey!" He greeted her, his eyes sweeping over her body in a way that made her cheeks heat up.

"Hey," jennie answered back, "Jongin…invited me." She told the boy as his eyes finally landed on her own.

The boy smiled, "Jongin!" He called over his shoulder. It was only one, full awkward moment before Jongin’s head popped up next to Chanyeol. When he saw jennie he grinned, saying her name happily.

The tall boys eyes widened in recognition of hearing her name. "Oh! Wow! You are not who I pictured you’d be."

"Chanyeol!" Jongin scolded.

He quickly backpedaled, "No! I mean you’re kind of fucking hot. Like," He turned to Jongin, "are you trying to….you know? 'Cuz if not I will gladly step in here and-"

Jongin clamped a hand over Chanyeol’s mouth. "Sorry," he spoke to  jennie "he’s drunk." He turned Chanyeol around and pushed him into the apartment. "Baek!"

A shorter boy appeared with a flushed face.

"Chanyeol needs some water." Jongin told him. The boy didn’t even question him. Instead he slid his arm around Chanyeol’s waist and pulled him towards the kitchen, giggling about something.

Jongin turned back to jennie with an embarrassed smile. “Sorry about that, he took pre-gaming to a new level tonight. Anyway, thank you for coming! You look…” Jongin’s voice trailed off as he finally gave her his full attention. His jaw dropped and jennie  was suddenly very happy she  chose this dress. "Wow.." He spoke, "You look amazing!"

Jenni couldn't help but bite her lip and smile shyly. "Thank you."

Jongin gave jennie a smile that made her insides churn in a good way. "Well then, can I get you a drink?"

Jennie nodded and followed Jongin into his apartment towards the kitchen. The apartment had quite a few people in it; some faces looked vaguely familiar.

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