Lagos (1)

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Mia's POV:

Nat, Wanda and me were in a coffee shop in Lagos, trying to get Rumlow. He now went by the name Crossbones. Kind of tacky if you ask me. All three of us were sitting at different tables. I had ordered a small coffee, Nat and Wanda had gotten tea. Sam was in his suit and waiting for us over buildings. Steve was inside an apartment, waiting for the right time to come out. 

'All right, what do you see?' Steve asked on comms. 

'Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target.' 

'There's an ATM on the south corner. Which means?' Steve asked.

'Cameras.' I said

'Both cross-streets are one way.'  Steve said.

'Compromised escape routes.' I replied back.

'Means our guy isn't afraid to be seen.. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out.' See that Range Rover halfway up the block? Steve asked.

'The red one? It's cute.' I replied back. 

'It's also bullet proof, which means private security, which means more guns, which more headaches for somebody. Probably us.' Nat said.

'You guys know Mia and me can move things with out mids right?' Wand asked as we took another sip of our drinks.  

'Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.' Nat said. I do agree with her.

'Anybody ever tell you that you're a little paranoid?' Sam asked. 

'Not to my face. Why? What did you hear?' Nat asked.

'Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to loose him.' Steve said. 

'If he sees us coming, that won't be a problem.' He kinda hates us. Sam said, a smirk making its way on my lips.

'Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it. Mia, leave the coffee and get your bike. Don't be suspicious.' Steve said on comms. I nodded to myself. I payed for the coffee and went on my way to get to the truck

'Its loaded for max weight. And the driver is armed.'

'it's a battering ram.' Nat said. 

'Go now.' Steve said and I started to walk faster to the place I kept my bike. I quickly started it and drove it towards the truck. 

'What?' Wanda asked. 

'He's not hitting the police.' I said as I drove faster. It was heading towards the Institute For Infectious Diseases.

'Guys. They're at the Institute.' I warned. Suddenly, the driver jumped out and the truck crashed to the gate of the institute. More trucks started to come and entered the institute. I quickly left my bike and waited to see what would the trucks do. The doors opened and many people with guns came to 

'They're wearing body armour, Ar-15's.' I said.

'Wait for us. Don't go in now.' Steve said.

'Copy that.' After a few minutes, I saw Steve coming from the sky. I went in and took a few agents out with my powers.

'I make seven hostiles.' Steve said.

'Four.' I said back. 

'I make five.' Sam said after a few seconds. Just then, Wanda came flying with her powers. Her and Sam took out another agent.

'Four.' Sam counted. 

'Rumlow's on the third floor.' Sam announced.

'Wanda, just like we practiced.' Steve said to Wanda.

'What about the gas?' I asked.

'Mia, you get the gas out.' he said and I nodded.  Purple wisps of energy surrounded the building and the gas broke through the glass of the windows.

'Wanda, take it from here. I'm going in.' I said and flew up to the third floor. I took out a few guards and went to to lab.

'Rumlow has a biological weapon.' Steve announced. I looked at the empty storage unit. 

'I'm on it.' Nat said and drove with motor bike. 

'We're getting to Rumlow.' Steve said and I nodded. We flew down to the ground and saw nat kicking ass. Suddenly, Rumlow got her. He threw Nat in the truck, a grenade with her. 

'Nat!' I yelled. I ran to the jeep but it blew up and Nat got thrown outside, coughing. 

'You get to Rumlow, I'll check on Nat and come.' I said to Steve. 

'He's in an AFV, heading North.' Steve said. Nat got up and we drove on her motor bike.

'They're splitting up.' Sam said.

'I got the two on the left.' Nat said as we jumped off the bike and onto cars. 

'I'm coming to you Steve.' I said and ran towards the market.

'They ditched their gear.It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload.' Steve said. Suddenly, a bomb got latched to Steve's shield and he threw it in the air. I felt a strong push on my back and I got thrown a few feet through stalls and bamboos. I grunted in pain as I crashed to the ground. 

'He doesn't have it. I'm empty.' Sam said on comms. I just tried to move my body and pain shot through it. 

'Ouch.' I muttered. I lifted myself up with my powers and landed on the ground. Immediately regretting it.  I got some strength to walk and after a few steps, it got easier. I quickly started to run towards where I was last. I saw Steve being pushed against the wall, about to be shot, I quickly ran to him and jumped on top of Crossbones. He dagger got out of his hand gear and he tried to stab me with it. I quickly dodged it and folded him arm behind.  Just then, he grabbed my hair from his other hand and threw me to the other side of the road

'Who's you buyer?' I heard Steve ask.

'You know, he knew you. You pal, your buddy, you Bucky.' Rumlow said.

'What'd you say?' Steve asked. I knew this was just a trick to get him distracted. I tried to say something but my breath was caught in my throat due to the force Rumlow threw me from.

'he remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in the blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me. Please tell Rogers, when you gotta go, you gotta go. and you're coming with me.' Rumlow said. Suddenly, I heard a blast but nothing more than that. I turned my head sideways and saw Wanda covering the blast with her powers. I tried to get up but couldn't again. It was getting too much fro her. She tried to raise it up but it crashed into the building.

'Holy...' I said but trailed off. I finally could get up without my body screaming in pain.

'Sam, we need Fire and Rescue on the south side of the building.' Steve said and went in the building. Wanda was on her knees, taking in the scene in front of her.


Word Count: 1155 Words

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