(9) Siberia

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Mia's POV:

'Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway.' Sam said. Steve put his hands in the air and Clint shot through the white substance like silk. Scott turned big, kicked Spiderman (More like Spider-boy but whatever.) and gave the shield to Steve.

Next thing I knew, everyone started to fight. I got a grenade out and threw it at the Spider-boy. His web got cut off and he fell to the ground with a splat. I smirked. Suddenly, Rhodey landed in front of me.

'Mia, come on.' He said.

'How about we make a truce?' I asked.

'No can do.' He said, bringing an electric baton out.

'Jesus Christ. Okay then.' I muttered. I ran backwards and dodged the hit Rhodey gave me. I quickly slid under his legs and threw an electric device at his back, jamming his suit.

'Sorry.' I said as I ran back. I saw Steve and T'Challa fighting and threw a boomerang rope to him. It got caught in T'Challa's legs and he fell. This gave Steve some time to run. The rope came swinging back to me and I ran back. Just as all of us were running to the jet, Vision came up and made a line in front of us with the mind stone.  

(The entire shenanigan, you know how it goes. I'm sorry, I can't describe the fight and I don't know where to put Mia. Wherever I do, it's just stupid.)

Steve, Bucky and me were taking cover behind some vehicles. 

'We've got to go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.' Bucky said.

'We've got to draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision you both get to the jet.' I said.

'No, you get to the jet! All three of you. The rest of us aren't getting out of here.' Sam said.

'As much as I hate to admit it. if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to loose it.' Clint added.

'This isn't the real fight Steve.' Sam said. 

'Alright Sam, what's the play?' Steve asked.

'We need a diversion. Something big.' Sam said. 

'I've got something kinda big. But, I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me.' Scott said.

'He's gonna tear himself in half?' I asked. 

'You sure about this Scott?' Steve asked. 

'I do it all the time. I mean once, in a lab. Then, I passed out.' He said. Suddenly, something big caught Rhodey. I saw him and it was Scott.

'I guess that's the signal?' I said, questionably and we three ran. Just as we reached, the tower beside us was cut in half by Vision and was falling straight at us. Just as it was about to crash, a red energy surrounded it and I looked back to see Wanda using her powers and ran faster. Just then, the energy disappeared and the Tower fell, we got to the other side just in time. As we were about to run ahead, Nat was standing there. 

'You're not gonna stop?' She asked.

'You know I can't.' Steve said.

'I'm going to regret this.' She said as she held her hand up. When she shot a widow bite, it went behind Steve and shot T'Challa.

'Go.' She said, I smiled at her gratefully and we rushed to the jet behind her. I quickly sat on the pilot seat and started it. I looked beside me through the glass and saw Rhodey following me. I sped up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something falling. I turned my head and saw that Rhodey's suit had taken a hot and was taking a free fall.

'Oh no.' I said as I got up from the seat. This fight wasn't meant to kill anyone. If Tony couldn't go up to Rhodey fast enough, he would take all the force and it would kill him. I saw Sam rushing down as well. I couldn't see if he got there fast enough or not, I sat back on my seat and set location to where Bucky told me to go. Rhodey was a really close friend, maybe not as much as Steve but he was still a close one. 

'Here, let me. You have some rest.' Steve said, coming to me. 

'Thanks.' I said and sat at the back of the jet. 

'What's gonna happen to your friends?' Bucky asked.

'Whatever it is, I'll deal with it.' Steve said. I just clenched my jaw. 

'I don't know if I'm worth all this Steve.' Bucky said. 

'What you did all those years, It wasn't you. You didn't have a choice.' I said, trying to make him feel better.

'I know, but I did it.' He said. After a few hours of flying, Steve landed the jet and waited for the hatch to open. I had grenades, and daggers strapped to me and had a gun in my hand. Steve had his shield and Bucky had a gun with him as well. Both the guns that Bucky and me had were from Nat's gear.

'Do you remember that time we had to ride back home from Rockaway beach in the back of a freezer truck?' Steve asked.

'Was that the time we used our train money, to buy hotdogs?' Bucky asked. 

'You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead.'

'What was her name again?' 

'Dolores. You called her Dot.' Steve said.

'She's got to be a hundred years old right now' Bucky said.

'So are we pal.' Steve replied. Placing a hand on his shoulder. I smiled that Steve had gotten his friend back. 

'Let's go.' I said. The door was already opened when we reached it.

'He can't have been here for more than a few hours.' Steve said.

'Long enough to wake them up.' Bucky said. We went down a blue lift and went out when it stopped. We were going up the stairs when we heard a loud bang behind us. I was behind Bucky who was behind Steve. 

'Ready?' Steve asked.

'Yeah.' Bucky and me said at the same time. When the door creaked open, it was Tony. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, still keeping my guard up. Steve walked up to him, still keeping his shield in front of him.

'You seem a little defensive.' Tony said, looking around.


Word Count: 1075 Words

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