(7) Which Bucky?

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Steve's POV:

He then turned to me and punched my jaw, I ducked just in time. I caught his hand and punched him in the face. I dodged the punch with his metal arm and he kicked me to the ground. This kept on going for some time and I banged on the door of the elevator. After that, he tried to punch me and I caught his metal arm. Suddenly, Mia came out of nowhere and wrapped her legs around his neck, trying to get him to get down. He caught her and hurled her across the hall. He then, punched me and I fell down the elevator shaft. Just after that, I head a small groan and someone else fell down, banging on the walls and kind of breaking their fall by holding onto a pipe. It was Mia.

'Ouch.' She muttered, holding her arm.

'Are you okay?' I asked her and she nodded. 

'Come on. We need to get out of here.' I said, getting up and giving her a hand. She took it gratefully and hoisted herself up. I took my jacket off and started climbing with the help of the rope on the lift. Mia started to flip over pipes and used momentum from them to get higher up. I just looked at her, shocked.

'What? I'm a lot lighter and flexible than you are.' She said. We finally reached the top and I went out first, helping Mia out next. We ran through the halls and found him going up to the roof. We quickly but quietly ran up and found him, getting a helicopter and flying. Quickly, I ran up to him and hung on the helicopter. I started pulling it towards me and Mia was on the edge of the building. Suddenly, he turned the helicopter to our side and we jumped away, missing the blades barely by inches. Suddenly, The Winter Soldier grabbed my throat through the glass and the helicopter started to tip over the edge. Within a few seconds, the helicopter, Bucky, Mia and me were in the water. It crashed into the water and Bucky was unconscious. Mia and me pulled him above the water and swam him to the shore. We found an abandoned warehouse and helped him sit up against a metal weight. Sam had found us and was with us as well. We put his metal arm between the weights and told Sam to watch him. We went to a place where we could see the outside of the warehouse. 

'Let me try and remove it.' I said to Mia after she was fiddling with the collar on her neck.

'No. Don't.' She said, taking a step back, I looked at her with confusion.

'It won't come off. The more you try to take it off, the more it tightens around my neck.' She said and my eyes widened. She just shrugged.

'Hey Cap!' Sam's voice came through and we both went to him. Bucky had woken up and was trying to get up.

'Steve...' he said.

'Which Bucky am I talking to?' I asked.

'You mom's name was Sarah. You used to put newspaper in your shoes.' He said, chuckling, causing me to smile. 

'Can't read that in a museum.' I said.

'Just like that we're supposed to be cool?' Sam asked.  

'What did I do?' he asked.

'Enough.' Mia said.

'Oh god. I knew this would happen again. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words.'

'Who was he?' I asked.

'I don't know.' He said. 

'People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. We need you to do better than I don't know.' Mia said. 

'He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where.' Bucky said.

'Why would he want to know that?' Mia asked. 

'Because I'm not the only Winter Solider.' he said. We took a few moments to take in the info.

'Who were they?' I asked.

'Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum. Well, less than her.' he said, looking at Mia. She just looked away.

'They all turn out like you?' Sam asked.

'Worse.' he said.

'The doctor, could he control them?' I asked.  

'Enough.' Bucky said, looking down.

'He said that he wanted to see an empire fall.' I said.

'With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight. Infiltrate, assassinate, destabilise. They could take a whole country down in one night, you'd never see them coming.' He said. 

'So basically like me but adults and an entire team. Great.' I heard Mia mumble as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She was sitting on the ground, her legs crossed. She said something else in what I assume Russian, Bucky let out a little laugh and Sam and me looked at him confused. Mia and him just smirked, sharing a glance.

'This would've been a lot easier a week ago.' Sam said, coming to me. 

'If we called Tony...' I said

'He won't believe us.'

'Even if he did.'

'Who knows if the Accords will let him help.' Mia said, coming to us. 

'We're on our own.' I said. 

'Maybe not. I know a guy.' Sam said. 

Tony's POV:

'I suppose you have no idea where they went?' Ross asked Nat and me.

'We will. GSG 9's got the borders covered. Recons flying 24/7. They'll get a hit. We'll handle it.' I said.

'You don't get it Stark. It's not yours to handle.' Ross said.

'It's clear, you can't be objective. I'm putting Special Ops on this.' he said.

'What happens when the shooting starts? What, do you kill Steve Rogers?' Nat asked.

'If, we're provoked.'

'Barnes, would've been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers. There are dead people that who would be alive right now. Feel free to check my math.' he said.

'All due respect, you're not going to stop this with boys and bullets Ross. You've got to let us bring 'em in.' I said.

'How would I know that it won't end any different than the last time?'

'Because, I'll not be wearing Loafers and a silk shirt. 72 hours, guaranteed.' I said 

'36. Barnes, Rogers, Wilson, and Williams.' he said and walked away. I let out a big exhale.

'My left arm is numb, is that normal?' I asked. Nat came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

'You all right?' She asked.

'Yeah, always.' I said. 

'36 hours. Jeez.' I said, defeated. 

'We're seriously understaffed.' she said. 

'Oh yeah. It'd be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?' I asked. 

'You really think that he'd be on our side?' She asked. 


'I have an idea.' She said.

'Me too. Where's yours?' I asked.

'Downstairs... Where's yours?' She asked.


Word Count: 1145 Words

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