(12) Own ways

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Mia's POV:

'Stark, I'm serious. Let me go and don't follow me.' I said and walked off outside. My footsteps making the snow red with my blood. I didn't want to fight anymore, maybe I would freeze to death, that wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. I fell to my knees in the snow and let the tears roll down. After a few minutes, I felt someone coming to me. I looked and saw that it was T'Challa.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

'Come on. It's not safe to be out here.' He said, helping me up, ignoring my question.

'I'm fine.' I said, ignoring his help but falling back down.

'That is not what I saw. Come on, your friends are worried about you.' He said and led me to a jet. We went inside and immediately Steve came up to me, Bucky was sitting on the other side of the jet. 

'Mia. I'm so sorry. I know I should've told him but I didn't.' he said.

'It's fine Steve. I really don't want to talk about it.' I said even though it's not fine, shaking it off and sitting on the ground with my legs crossed. Sometimes, the ground is more comfortable than the actual seat you're supposed to sit on. This was one of those times.  Steve gave me a blanket and I wrapped it around myself, thankful for the warmth, but now I could feel more of the pain since the cold had numbed it. 

'Where are we going?' I asked T'Challa.

'Wakanda.' he said. After a few hours of flying, we reached and I was amazed at how we entered.

'Shuri will tend to Mia and Sergeant Barnes, you can freshen up.' he told Steve. Then a girl, who I assumed was Shuri came towards us.

'Hi, I'm Shuri. I'm pretty sure you tired of being in T'Challa's company for so long, I'll help you out.' She said, causing Bucky to chuckle and let a smile break onto my face. She helped me wrap my hand up since it would heal in a day or two with my super healing and I cleaned up in one of the rooms she gave me. Bucky wanted to go in cryo again so the stuff HYDRA put in could be removed. After Bucky was put in cryo, me and Steve went to T'Challa to thank him. 

'Thank you, for this.' Steve said. 

'Your friend and my father. They were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace, it is a win in my book.' He said.

'You know if they find out he's here, they'll come for you.' I said.

'Let them try.' He said. After some time, I packed my bags and was ready to go back. I wanted to go back and be with Nat, since she had let us escape, she would also be on the run, and last time, we saved each others' asses so why not this time? I got by bags ready and went to Steve.

'Hey.' I said.

'Hey. You ready?' he asked and I nodded.

'Look Steve. I don't want to end our friendship on a bad note. So...' I said, trailing off and holding my hand out. He chuckled and we did our handshake. 

'I'll miss you. Take care of yourself And I'm sorry.' he said, bringing me in a hug.

'I'll miss you more. And I know you are.' I said, giving him one and heading out. T'Challa let me use a jet to drop me off, it flew itself away and I called Nat on the way. I asked where she was and I we met in a secluded area. The next few months will definitely be different, but I have one of my best friend with me. That's a bonus.


Word Count: 630 Words

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