(11) Who is right?

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Mia's POV:

'Get out of here!' I heard Steve yell. I looked and saw Bucky running off, he pressed a button which opened the hatch of the base. I tried to get the weight off of me but couldn't. I used my powers and it became easier. I quickly slid out and let it go. I saw Steve hitting Tony's boot with his shield. He shot a laser above Steve and he got buried under the rubble. I quickly rushed to Tony to try and calm him down.

'Bucky run faster!' I yelled. Tony started flying towards him. His boot jet was failing and couldn't fly properly. Bucky jumped from one ledge to another. Tony kicked him off and I flew up to him.

'Tony! Tony, listen to me!' I yelled as he got to Bucky. Steve came in front of Bucky and Tony's hit bounced back to him. 

'He's not gonna stop. Go.' Steve told Bucky. I climbed up the ledges since my powers were failing at some points to get up to Tony. Just then, Steve got a grappling hook and pulled Tony down with him as he fell. Tony shot a missile at the door of the base and it crashed down. Tony flew up towards Bucky and I quickly climbed up to them.

'Tony stop. I get what you're going through but this is not the way.' I said as I dodged his hits and he kept on hitting Bucky.

'How do you know? Huh?' he yelled loudly.

'I killed my parents in cold blood! I was under HYDRA's control!' I yelled as I jumped onto him, an arm making its way around his neck. Tony seemed to hesitate but is rage was much more so it took over. I could feel tears forming in my eyes by now, I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to fight anymore. 

'Do you even remember them?' he asked Bucky, who he had in a headlock. 

'I remember all of them.' He said. Tony pulled us all to the ground and Steve jumped on us, trying to get Bucky out of Tony's grip. We banged on the wall and us four got separated. I hit multiple pipes, metal nets, ledges before I landed on my side on one of the ledges, I yelled in pain as I hit every single one. Groaning as pain shot through my body with every breath. I'm pretty sure I broke multiple ribs, have a fractured arm and I could feel a warm liquid trickle down my forehead, getting in my hair. I looked around and saw Bucky under the ledge I was on. Tony and Steve had fallen to the ground. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth and spit it out. Surprise, surprise, it was blood. I could heard grunts coming from under me and I knew I had to go. Suddenly, black spots were racing through my vision.

'No. Don't you dare pass out.' I told myself. But, since the universe hates me. I passed out. I woke up and saw I was at the same place.

Either the fight is still going on or they forgot and left me here. I thought.

I tried to move but my body didn't want to. I still had pain running through it but it was not as bad. I flew down and saw Bucky being supported by Steve. Steve didn't have his shield, Bucky's metal arm was gone and they were coming to me.

'Come on Mia.' Steve said, helping me up. I ignored it.

'No. Where is Tony?' I asked.

'What?' Steve asked.

'You heard me. Where is Tony?' I asked again, anger lacing my voice. 

'Why do you car-' He said but I cut him off.

'They were his parents, you had no right not telling him!' I yelled, pain rising in my chest but I ignored that, and pushed him away. This caused me to fall to my knees but I ignored his help. He scoffed and left. After he did, hot tears ran down my face. I tried to get up but couldn't. 

'Goddamnit.' I muttered, punching the ground, the skin on my knuckles breaking, tears running down my face. I finally got up and went through the path Steve and Bucky came from. I saw Tony lying on the ground, his arc reactor had a line running across it and was broken. Steve's shield was lying in front of him.

'Oh, god.' I said as I stumbled towards him. I helped him sit up and started to examine the arc reactor. 

'Mia. What are you doing?' Tony asked. I ignored his question and spat out some blood.

'Tony. What happened?' I asked as I looked at his arc reactor.

'Steve happened.' he said. I removed it's cover and inspected inside. It certainly was broken but nothing I couldn't fix with my powers. 

'How's Rhodey?' I asked.

'He shattered L4 through S1 of his spine. Most probably looking at some form of paralysis.' he said softly, hearing the grief of his friend getting hurt clearly through his voice.

'I'm sorry. Tell him to get better from me.' I said and he nodded

'Mia. What you said up there. Was it true?' he asked.

'Not talking about it.' I said as wisps of purple energy made its way in the reactor and the broken pieces started to join together. The cold was getting to me now and my teeth were chattering.

'It was. I'm sorry. I didn't know.' he said, looking down.

'Well, it won't change wha-' I started to say but pain shot through my chest. I closed my eyes and just prayed for it to go away. 

'Mia? What- FRIDAY, scan now.' Tony said. I tried to move but he held my hands, preventing me from doing so.

'Miss Williams has three broken ribs, a broken tibia, a gash on her forehead and is going into hypothermia.' FRIDAY said. He let go of my arm and I got up, falling back down.

'Mia. You need to rest.' he said, getting up. His reactor was fixed and I pushed him away.

'No, I'm fine.' I said as I started to walk away. 

'Come with me. I'll get you some medical help.' he said but I put my hand up.

'I didn't sign the Accords. I can't.' I said.

'Mia. That's just reckl-' he started to say but I cut him off.


Word Count: 1080 Words

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