(10) December 16, 1991

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Mia's POV:

'Yeah.' Bucky and me said at the same time. When the door creaked open, it was Tony. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, still keeping my guard up. Steve walked up to him, still keeping his shield in front of him.

'You seem a little defensive.' Tony said, his helmet coming off.

'It's been a long day.' He said.

'At ease soldier, I'm not currently after you.' Tony said, looking at Bucky and me.

'Then why are you here?' Steve asked. 

'Could be your story is not so crazy. Maybe.' He said. 

'Ross has no idea I'm here, I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I've got to arrest myself.' He said, surprising me. 

'That sounds like a lot of paper work. It's good to see you Tony.' Steve said. Putting his shield down. I put my gun down as well.

'You too Cap.' He said. Then his gaze turned to Bucky.

'Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here.' Tony said. After Steve's hand motion, he put his gun down.

'Can you take this off now? I've been having really bad headaches because of it.' I said, pointing to the collar at my neck.

'Uh, sure. Come here.' he said, I went up to him, he put his hand up and a laser shot from his suit and my eyes widened. 

'I swear to god, Tony. If you slice my head off, I'll kill you.' I said as he got the laser closer to me.

'Relax, I don't hate you that much.' He said. I closed my eyes and with a swift swipe, I felt the brace come off and a surge of energy go through me. I fell to the ground.

'Ugh, I hate you.' I said as I got up, rubbing my neck.

'Cool, me too. Your powers will take a little time to fully come back, till then, let's find these super soldiers.' He said as he patted my back. We then walked through the base and came to an opening. It was a big room with some sort of chair in the middle.

'I've got heat signatures.' Tony said, and I gripped my gun a little tighter. 

'How many?' I asked.

'Uh, one.' He said. Suddenly, the lights turned on and I saw cryogenic chambers around us. 

'If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep. You really thought I wanted more of you. I'm grateful to them though, they brought you here.' A new voice came through. 

Suddenly, a man appeared behind a metal wall, I recognised him as the psychiatrist. Tony got ready and Steve threw his shield at him. 

'Please, Captain. The Soviets build this chamber to withstand the launch blasts of UR-100 rockets.' Zemo said. 

'I'm betting I could beat that.' Tony said.

'Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came.'

'You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?' Steve asked as we made our way to him. 

'I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing her, I just realised, there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.' He said. 

'You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?' Steve asked. 

'Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise.'

'You lost someone.' I said, coming to him. 

'I lost everyone. And, so will you.' He said. He pressed a button on his side and a computer started beside me. 

'An empire toppled by his enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever.' He said. 

'16 December, 1991.' I read out loud from the computer, translating it. It was a security footage.

'Wait, isn't that when...' I started and trailed off as Tony nodded. 

'I know that road. What's this?' he asked Zemo. He didn't say anything and the security footage started to play. Suddenly, a car came and crashed into a pole. A man on a bike came and pulled, who I'm assuming was Howard Stark out of the car. It was Bucky, well not Bucky but the Winter Solider. His metal arm was easily visible.

'Sergeant Barnes?' Howard said and I looked at Tony who was looking at Bucky. He punched Howard repeatedly and I winced, he then put him back in the car seat. Then he went to Maria Stark and put his hand around her throat. I looked away. I saw Bucky's eyes full of tears and Steve's full of... regret? Tony was glaring the screen. The Winter Soldier then shot the screen and it turned black. 

After a few seconds, Tony lunged towards Bucky but Steve and I held him back.

'No, Tony.' Steve said. I looked at Bucky and his eyes were full of tears. Tony then turned to Steve.

'Did you know?' he asked Steve. His voice was barely a whisper. 

'I didn't know it was him.' Steve said after a few seconds.

'Don't bullshit me Rogers! Did you know?' He asked again.

'Yes.' He said and my eyes widened in disbelief. Tony pushed Steve away. 

'What?' I asked as I let go of Tony. Steve turned to me, regret in his eyes. I just sent a glare his way. Suddenly, Tony punched Steve and he got thrown away. He then turned to Bucky who was about to shoot him but his gun got kicked away by Tony. He then tried to punch Tony with his metal arm and he caught it. 

'Tony, Tony wait.' I tried to argue with him but he ignored me. He flew up with Bucky and pushed him to the ground. He put his leg over Bucky's metal arm and just as he was about to shoot Steve hit him with his shield and Bucky dodged the hit. Steve hit him again and Tony hit him, sending him flying to the side of the room. He deployed two magnet cuffs that stuck Steve's feet together. I tried to fly with my powers and I could go up a few feet. I latched behind Tony.

'Tony, I understand what you're going through but you can't do this. Think about it.' I yelled to him as he tried to shake me off. He tried to hit Bucky with a small missile but Bucky pushed his hand away and the missile hit one of the cryo chambers, causing it to fall and hitting the others. Tony got off balance and let go of Bucky, my grip left his as I fell to the ground, the debris of the blast falling right at me. I got a shield up just in time. A big shard of metal was centimetres above my eyes. The rest of my body was held under the weight of the metal storage units.


Word Count: 1160 Words

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