(8) The Airport

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Mia's POV:

After getting out of the warehouse successfully unnoticed, Steve hot-wired a car and we met Sharon in a secluded area where she brought our stuff. Steve went out to talk with Sharon. Sam was sitting in the passengers' seat while Bucky was sitting behind him and I was sitting beside him. I was massaging my temples because the stupid collar sent waves of electricity to keep my body from using my powers, and that was causing me a headache. 

'Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car.' Sharon said.

'It's low profile.' He said. 

'Good, because this stuff tends to draw a crowd.' Sharon said, opening the boot of her car to reveal all our suits and weapons. 

'Can you move your seat up?' Bucky asked Sam.

'No.' He answered back. I rolled my eyes.

'Come on.' Bucky said and they both started bickering.

'Shut it you two. I swear, if this headache doesn't kill me, I'll kill you.' I said and they shut up real quick. 

'They're gonna come looking for you.' Steve said.

'I know.'

'Thank you, Sharon.' Steve said. They looked at each other. Finally, Steve caved in and leaned in. Sharon did the same and they shared a kiss. I made a disgusted face. I didn't like this. 

"Мне больше нравится, когда вы со Стивом вместе. (I like Steve and you together better)" I said to Bucky and he got flustered.

"Стив и я? Эм... нет (Steve and me? Um... No)" He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Расслабься, Баки, я бы тоже не стал судить, это гораздо более приемлемое поколение, и я тоже вижу, как ты на него смотришь. Я никому не скажу, потому что знаю, как это важно. Будучи таким же, как вы, я понимаю вашу точку зрения. (Relax Bucky, I wouldn't judge, also, it's a much more acceptable generation and I also see how you look at him. I won't tell anyone, cause I know how important it is. Being the same as you, I do get your point of view.)" I said, looking at him and he smiled, a genuine one. 

"Спасибо, что взяли этот разговор на русский язык. (Thanks for taking this conversation in Russian)" He said, looking at Sam.

"Relax, Bird Brain can't take a hint, plus he can't understand us, he probably thinks we're plotting on killing him." I said smirking, looking at Sam with an evil grin.

"Okay, you guys are scaring me, are you planning on killing me?" Sam said and I shrugged. 

"Told you." I said and Bucky chuckled. 

'Nat's gonna be very happy.' I muttered, as she was trying to set Steve up with someone, preferably Sharon. She went back inside and Steve looked at us. We smiled and nodded. After we got our suits and weapons, we went to the airport. I was able to get us inside without anyone noticing. We got to the parking lot and parked beside a white van. We got out of the car. Clint and Wanda came out of it. 

'Cap.' He said, holding his hand out.

'You know I wouldn't've called if I had any other choice.' Steve said to Clint.

'Hey man, you're doing me a favour. Besides, I owe a debt.' he said.

'Thanks for having my back.' He said to Wanda.

'It was time I got off my ass.' She said and I smiled. It must've been from one of Clint's many pep talks he has given Wanda. 

'How about our other recruit?' Steve asked.

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