Chapter 8 | The Hardest Decision

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Yibo made one of the hardest decisions of his life. He crossed the gate before it closed completely.

As the red light disappeared, Yibo fell to the hard, dry ground. The blade-sharp rock fragments made small cuts in his hands and feet as Yibo tried to get up from the ground. The air was bad, Yibo could barely breathe. It was as if he was slowly drowning. Nevertheless, he took hard steps, but moved forward.

The sky was unfriendly. A dark gray, almost black cloud gathered in the sky. As if it were just a heavenly war. The lightning that sometimes popped up appeared with a wild growl and then disappeared. Painful screams and terrible, distorted growls were heard from a distance.

The frequency of the dead, black, bare trees surrounding the angel increased as he progressed. The branches of trees leaned together over the road as if only clawed arms were reaching out of the sky. Moving further and further into the forest, Yibo also saw broken bones and distorted skulls in some places. The trunks of one tree were covered with them.

Yibo had no idea how long he had been walking. Time seemed not to exist there. There was neither day nor night, only eternity. Eternal torment, eternal darkness.

On his seemingly endless journey, Yibo noticed that shady creatures began to follow him. As it turned out, the creatures were hellhounds.

Whenever Yibo stopped to prepare for a possible attack, the hellhounds didn't move

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Whenever Yibo stopped to prepare for a possible attack, the hellhounds didn't move. Each watched only him, hiding among the trees. Yibo looked at them puzzled. Earlier, when he met one, the hellhound ruthlessly attacked him. The monster's only intention was to kill him. But now it was the opposite. The hellhounds behaved as if they respected, protected him, or perhaps feared him. Whatever it was, Yibo was distrustful of them. he went on, but kept an eye on them.

After the vast wooded area, Yibo came to a ravine. The two parts were connected by an old, crumbling, broken, extremely poor condition rope bridge. Yibo tried to bring out his wings, but they didn't show up. Just after each attempt, a strong stabbing pain flashed into his back. So he finally gave up. 

Yibo was left with no choice but to risk his life and walk across the bridge - which could be his last journey and get stuck in hell forever

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Yibo was left with no choice but to risk his life and walk across the bridge - which could be his last journey and get stuck in hell forever. He took a deep breath, and then took the first step on the bridge. His accumulated courage swayed slightly when he heard the crackling sound under his feet. But before he could take another one, someone spoke behind him.

"I would think twice in your place to move on. Unless you want to die, I recommend you step back." the stranger spoke. Yibo turned around.

A woman standing with arms crossed in front of Yibo. She was wearing a dark burgundy dress from head to toe. She held a silver sword in one hand..

"Who are you?" Yibo asked, preparing to pull the knife out from under his jacket. But the woman noticed this. In a matter of moments she nailed her sword to Yibo's throat.

"I could ask you that, don't you think?" she asked.

She heard the sound of approaching footsteps and growls. She looked back. The hellhounds surrounded her. They all watched her, especially her hand in which she held the sword.

"How do you do that? I doubt you would be a demon. I've lived here long enough to recognize a dark warrior, .. and you're not. Yet these monsters obey you. So tell me who are you?"

"As soon as you lower your sword, I'll tell you." replied Yibo. The woman after a little hesitation, but she did.

"And now answer my question." - she stepped closer to Yibo. - "Who are you?"

"I am an angel hybrid."

"What? .. An angel .. hybrid??" - she was shocked to hear that. - "But .. how did you get here? An angel like you, why are you here in Hell? What have you done?" she asked, incredulously.

"I followed ... someone who came here to save his mother's soul. But he's gone." - Yibo replied. - "And I don't know where he can be now."

"Hm. .... Well, I wish him a lot of success if you find him ... as do you. It is easy enough to get lost or die in this place, .. especially to souls who have just come here, and alone ... like you."

"That is why I am asking for your help now. You already know the roads and dangers here." Yibo looked at the bridge.

"Well yes. ... Not only do I know this place well, but I was born and raised here. ... Unfortunately. ... Anyway, it's a long story."

"Can i count on you then? It would be very important, as is the one I am looking for. ... Please!"

She thought, then sighed.

"Okay. .. I will help you but only because you are not a demon. ... Come on let's go. We must first find a safe haven for you." - she said and put her sword in her sword belt holder. - "Already, if you can call anything in this place.... Anyway, it will rain here soon, and I doubt you would survive this kind of rain."

"What do you mean? What is falling from the sky here?"

"It is enough for you to know that this is not for angels like you." - she stepped beside Yibo, then patted her shoulder. - "Anyway, welcome to hell, angel."

Yibo didn't like the idea, he eventually followed her. Since he had no choice but to trust the stranger.

"By the way, I have a name, not just 'angel'."

"Okay ... and what's your name?" she asked

"Wang Yibo." he replied.

"Hm... Yibo, the angel hybrid. Not bad ... That's a nice name." she replied with a slight smile

"And what's your name?"

"Oh. That's a little weird to hear, ... that someone's asking for my name. I'm saying this because, just so you know, I have a pretty big reputation in this place. .. But my name is Lan Xiang, and I'm a kitsune."

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