Chapter 10 | Unexpected Attack

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After Yibo left Lan Xiang to be a little alone, he moved to another room. He sat down on the floor, then settled into a fetal pose and tried to rest for a while. But that didn't last long.

When Yibo woke up, he began to feel the bone-chilling cold again. He got up and went back to the fox. Although it didn't seem like much time for him, but based on the fact that when he returned to the other room and Lan Xiang was already resting, quite a lot of time might have passed. Yibo sat down quietly in front of the fire. Lan Xiang was asleep on the floor, holding her diary in her hands.

As Yibo tried to warm up a little, he felt more and more that there might be a monster nearby, a stray or lost soul, or worst of all, an angry demon. Yibo was close to giving up his guesses and waking the fox. But then, at the last moment, he changed his mind. He walked carefully through the ruined walls, then to the exit, he looked around. He saw no movement near or far.

But then something happened.

The slight whispers suddenly intensified. Yibo looked around again. But still, he saw no one or nothing. The voices he heard were loud and incomprehensible. It was as if hundreds of suffering souls had spoken to him, all asking for the angel's help at once. But Yibo didn't know how he could have helped them. He then felt the downside of being a semi-angel.

"Where are you? ... Who are you? Why are you talking to me?" - he slowly walked out the door of the building. - "What do you want to tell me?" asked Yibo.

The whispers continued, but after a few moments, he understood a sentence.

"The king is coming, ... he knows you are here." - then the whispering voices were silenced all at once, and were no longer heard.

"Hello .... Why did you all shut up now?" asked Yibo, then took another step, not noticing that someone had appeared behind him.

"Where are you?" asked Yibo.

But finally, an answer Yibo did not get from the spirits.

"Behind you." said the demon in a rough, distorted voice.

Yibo quickly turned around, but the demon immediately grabbed him by the throat.

Yibo quickly turned around, but the demon immediately grabbed him by the throat

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The demon spread his dark red wings and took off with Yibo. As the demon flew toward a small, seemingly empty city, Yibo tried to free himself from the demon's clutches.

But then Yibo remembered that long ago, when Zhan was a complete demon, he, though not very much, could be weakened by the angelic light. The strongest demons were not destructively affected by his light, but the weaker ones were able to be burned to the ground or severely wounded.

Therefore, Yibo did not hesitate, grabbing the demon's arm with both hands and bringing out his light.

The demon cried out in pain. He immediately released Yibo, and they both fell from the sky.

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