Ch 437: Wei Yenwu's Offer

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Do I have to?

Compared with going out to chat with Wei Yenwu, Lin Ye much preferred to stay in the conference room with Eyja and Mostima.

Was Wei Yenwu a good company to have compared to both of them.

He didn't think so.

He was really regretting his choice of disguising as Warfarin now.

However, he could not refuse his invitation.

After all, Wei Yenwu was the actual leader of Lungmen and he had a hunch that he knew he wasn't Mr. Blood.

Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and respond.

"... Of course there is no problem," Lin Ye looked down to the young child holding on to him and smiled at her, "I would love to talk to you, Muyue but I need to go with your father for now."

Muyue looked like she wanted to make him stay with her. With how tight she was hugging him, he was trapped in her small embrace.

Lin Ye gave Wei Yenwu a nervous smile.

Seeing this, Wei Yenwu stepped in to help him out.

"Muyue, don't forget the purpose of your coming here." Wei Yenwu told her daughter, "I will ask your Gege to help our Haha out later. So don't worry."

She still did not want to let him go as she tightened her grip. Lin Ye chuckled at how cute she was acting.

"Has your father ever lied to you?" Wei Yenwu tried to persuade her, "Today Dad invited all experts in various fields, and there are few opportunities for you to get to meet them. You have to cherish it."

Muyue bit her mouth as he heard this. Although Lin Ye could see that she was very unwilling to let him go, she did not dare to disobey Wei Yenwu. She nodded and with a reluctant face she finally let Lin Ye go.

Seeing how sad she was now, Lin Ye bent down to look at her.

"Muyue," Lin Ye gently called her.

She looked at him with her puppy-like eyes. He sighed at the site.

"Don't worry," Lin Ye smiled at her and patted her head, "Your Gege will come back to you. Can you wait for a bit? I promise it won't take long."

Muyue slowly showed a hopeful appearance at him and nodded.

"Will you help Haha?"

"I will do my best."

"... Promise?" She grabbed onto his sleeve.

Lin Ye pulled out his pinky to her. She looked confused at first. However she slowly copied him and pulled out her own pinky to him.

Then Lin Ye wrapped his pinky with hers.


Instantly, her gloomy face changed to pure joy. She then rushed into him again and hugged him. Lin Ye saw this coming and accepted her with open arms.

"Be a good girl and wait for me, okay?"

Lin Ye felt she nodded on his chest.

Everyone that was witnessing this felt a fluffy feeling in themselves.

When they broke their hug, Lin Ye got up and stood next to Wei Yenwu.

Wei Yenwu turned his gaze to Ceylon.

"Miss Ceylon, the little girl is pleased to see you. Can you take care of her for a while."

Muyue then finally noticed Ceylon, her eyes widened as she looked at her.

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