Ch 424: Bargaining

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Lin Ye felt like everything bad that had happened to him in this city was because of him touching everything that caught his attention.

What was he, a child?

First Chi Xiao and now the boss of Penguin Logistics.

"Ahem, sorry about earlier," He coughed, "Didn't mean to do that to you."

The boss of Penguin Logistics, a male penguin known as Emperor, continued staring at him.

"Are you Rhodes Island's representative?" Emperor slowly opened his mouth-beak? "You are a bold fellow, I give you that. Do you know who I am?"

The male penguin was standing on top of the counter, wearing sunglasses, holding his wings to his side, and looking condescendingly at Lin Ye.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for him moving and talking just now, Lin Ye would probably still be thinking that he was just a doll.

Before Lin Ye had time to answer, the angel next to him smiled and spoke up instead.

"You're the Boss!"

"Shut up, Exu! I didn't ask you." Emperor stretched out his hand - flipper?- and pointed it at Lin Ye, "Boy, do you have any idea who I am?!"

"Did he touch you? Did he do anything out of line while I was away?" Exusiai seemed to get more excited, "Wow, wow, this is so exciting!"

"Shut up, Exusiai! Don't open your mouth when the boss is talking!"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," Exusiai nodded again and again, "Okay okay, Boss. You can continue, I won't talk."

Emperor coldly snorted at her response.

"The last time anyone dared to do such a disrespectful thing to me, wasn't so long ago..."

Exusiai piped in again, "And it was a Rhodes Island person too. I think her name was... Medivin? You looked like you kind of liked her."

Emperor was finally angry.

"Her name was Magallan! Not Medivin! Exusiai, are you deliberately looking for trouble?! That's it! You're not getting paid this month!"

"Eh?!", Exusiai's smile immediately disappeared, "No. You wouldn't."

"Oh, it's already too late!", Emperor declared with a bit of pride.

"Magallan?"Lin Ye, on the other hand, raised his brow at the familiar name, "You know her too?"

"So what if I do?" Emperor glanced at Lin Ye.

"Nothing really," He shrugged at him, "I just have a good relationship with her, that's all. I was a bit surprised that you knew her too."

"You're not trying to use Magallan to get in good with me, are you?"

"No, I just mentioned it casually." Lin Ye sighed, "Please don't think I would use her like that. She's my friend."

"Is that so?"

"It is so."

As they were exchanging words with each other, the only girl in the room stared at Lin Ye.

Woah, he wasn't driven to the wall by Boss. That's rare to see. He's no pushover.

Lin Ye on the other hand was just trying to get along with the other party.

Him touching the penguin wasn't entirely his fault.

Why didn't he just greet him like a normal person would?

Instead he just stood still and pretended to be a doll.

Was it because he was a bird?

Now that I think about it, how long was he there?

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