Chapter 85

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My heart was beating at an unsteady pace the moment I saw Jordan. The way I denied knowing him, I could see the hurt in his eyes.
He looked so shattered at the same time enraged by what I said.
But how can I accept him back into my life?
Funny how I always asked myself if I would ever see Jordan and now when fate brought us together, I quickly denied knowing him.
I didn't realise this then but now it seems allowing Jordan back into my life will do me more harm than good.
I was kidnapped and someone paid eight hundred thousand to those murderers to kill me.
That was close to a million. Aunty Lydia doesn't have that amount of money and if she wanted to kill me she would have done it a long time ago. My only suspicion pointed at Nicole.

On multiple occasions she threatened to harm me and it was all because of Jordan.
I just can't risk my life again.
I escaped death narrowly, I don't want to go back again.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Come in please"I immediately replied.
Mrs Linda opened the door and walked in, her expression hard to decipher.

"Ma I'm so sorry do you want anything?"
She shook her head and came to sit next to me.
"Amarachi what happened earlier today? Jordan, that young man, he claimed he knew you. Is it true?"She asked calmly.
I became dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say. My hands suddenly became sweaty as I cracked my brain thinking of an answer.

"Amarachi tell me the truth. Please"She added, her tone soft.
I didn't want to lie to her. She and her husband had been so nice to me.

"The thing is ma.."I began breaking the brief moments of silence.
" don't know him personally but I do know his mother. I worked under her"I said.
I gave her the partial truth.
She nodded her head and stood up.

"He did seem to happy to see you actually"She said with raised brows.

"Yes. I suddenly stopped working for his mother and I know how his mother felt when I abruptly resigned"Well I didn't lie.
When I told Mrs Justice I would want to give my slot to Ogechi, she was really downcasted.

"That's alright. I just wanted to know the truth. I'm sorry if Jordan got you scared. He really is a nice man. I'll leave you to yourself now"
I watched Mrs Linda leave and I suddenly let out a deep breath. I didn't even know I felt that nervous with her questions.

Jordan, I did love him, but Nicole.
It seems there was practically no way for us to be together with Nicole around.

* * * * * *

The mouth watering aroma of the ofe aku(banga/palm kernel soup) I prepared covered the atmosphere in the house.
I smiled to myself as I acknowledged my cooking skills.
Chief Victor and his wife had gone to the airport to pick up their daughter since she would be coming back today and I made sure to prepare her favourite dish through her mum's help.

I had arranged the house and mopped it, keeping everywhere spotless as I awaited the arrival of chiamaka, their daughter.
Now the only thing left was to blend the fruits. Her mother told me she loved natural fruit juice so I wanted to do all these to get her happy.
Who knows maybe she would like me the way Tolu likes me.
I could hear a car horn outside. Could it be them?
I watched as a black four runner jeep pulled inside the house.
I felt excited and nervous to meet chiamaka.

A few moments later the door bell rang. I quickly went to answer the door expecting to meet chiamaka but my smile immediately vanished once I spotted the person at the door.
It was Jordan.
I was speechless. It felt like time had frozed and I felt so numb. I couldn't move or react.

Jordan moved a step forward the same time I moved backwards.
""i said, my voice shaky.

"Yes me again Amarachi. Are you surprised to see me?" He asked, his tone flat.

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