Chapter 53

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Ogechi rolled her eyes at Becca and hissed.
"How should I believe you Rebecca? You might secretly still be friends with Amara"

Becca upheaved her hands at Ogechi in a manner that cut her off.
"I am not friends with that useless husband snatcher. I was her friend but not anymore. I hate that girl with every fibre in me"Becca snarled.

  A smile drew on Ogechi's lip as she listened to Becca.
She stretched out her hand to Becca, offering a handshake which Rebecca took happily.
"Good. I'm glad someone is seeing Amara for who she truly is. If we can work together then we can surely get rid of that girl"Ogechi said in delight.



  I stepped inside my compound with Nonso, who was clutching to me as if protecting me.
I spotted uncle Francis sitting under the umbrella tree, his hand under his chin.
He probably noticed my arrival but he didn't even glance at me or Nonso.
I swallowed my saliva, loosening my throat a little. I glanced at Nonso.
He nodded at me and gave me a reassuring soft smile.

  Interlocking hands with Nonso, I gradually walked towards my uncle, steadily, in a bid to control my nervousness.
"Uncle" I said in a whisper as I got close to him.
I got no response but silence.
"Uncle goodmorning"i greeted in a whisper.
Suddenly he sprang up from his chair like a hungry lion, glaring at me.
"Amara what do you want?! You've come to complete what you did right? Now you want to send me to jail too right? God Amarachi! You are so ungrateful and wicked!"Uncle Francis spat at me as his chest heaved repeatedly with anger.

"Uncle"i cried out.
"Uncle it was never my intention to ever cause any body pain but..but"i stutter trying to restrain my tears.

"You all caused me so much pain. Aunty Lydia plunged my hands into a bowl of hot water for God-knows-what. Uncle I have suffered in your hands"i lamented as I recalled all the ordeals I had to go through.

"Then leave this house! Amarachi leave! If you are tired of staying leave my house!"Uncle Francis snapped at me.

"My father built this house"i retorted back.
Uncle Francis chuckled and eyed me making me draw my brows in confusion.
"Lekwanu this orphan(look at this orphan). Do you have a father? Who is your father? Do you know who your father is?"

"Uncle!" I shouted at in anger.
"Will you shut your mouth Amarachi!"he growled back at me.

"I didn't want to interfere in this..."Nonso began as he stepped in immediately. He paused for a second and glanced at me then he continued speaking.

"I was the one who filed the complaint against Lydia. For christsakes Francis look at Amara's hands. Your wife dipped her hands in hot water. This is domestic violence. It's a crime"
I fought to restrain my tears as they were threatening to spill out.
Why would uncle Francis make that rude and uncaring statement?
What did he mean by those piercing questions?

  I felt Nonso put his arm over my shoulder and I let out a weak smile at him.
"If you like Nonso don't go and meet your wife. Be following Amarachi like a fly that's following feaces"uncle Francis scoffed at Nonso who glared at him angrily.

"By the way where is my wife?"

"We already stopped at the police station before coming here. We withdrew the charges and she would be here soon"i replied in a weak tone.

"So you couldn't bring her yourselves?"Francis snarled with raised brows.

Nonso cut in before i could make a reply.
"Francis would your wife ever agree to follow us in the first place? You are talking like you don't know your wife. We stopped a taxi to take her"

Francis mumbled incoherent words and turned to sit down.
As if on cue, a car horn was heard outside.
"That must be lydia"uncle Francis said with a hint of glint in his tone.

The gate whirled open and aunty Lydia stepped inside.
She looked tired and unkept.
"Lydia how are you?"Francis welcomed as he went over to meet her.

Lydia nodded her head and passed I and Nonso without a single glance.
"Aunty goodmorning"i greeted codly.
She hissed loudly at my greeting and went inside the house, both she and uncle Francis.

I sighed heavily.
Nonso cupped my face in his broad hands.
"You will be fine"
I flashed him a soft smile and nodded my head in response.

"You have to go now Nonso. Thank you for everything.
His eyebrow drew to a worried look.
"You sure? I can stay a little longer?"Nonso offered but i shook my head.

"No Nonso. It's fine ok. I can handle everything. Just go and handle Rebecca"i pleaded.
He exhaled and nodded his head whilst rubbing his temples.
He opened his arms for an embrace and I sank into his embrace. Nonso was my backbone.
He was truly my brother and friend.

We both pulled out at the same time.
"Now take care of yourself Amarachi and if anything happens, I'm right here for you"Nonso reassured me.
I nodded my head and gave him a bright smile.
I watched Nonso walk away with a smile on my lips.

"Time to brace up Amarachi"I said to myself as i turned to go inside.


  "Mama I'm so happy you are back"Ogechi eagerly chirped as she sat close to her mother, clinging on to her.
Sounds of birds feeling the atmosphere could be heard.
The evening sky was splashed in a canvas of vertical pink and orange colours.

  "I'm happy to my dear. I suffered o. Chai! I can't believe Amarachi could do something like this. That girl is not to be trusted at all"Lydia replied

Ogechi snapped her fingers with glee ,"Mama do you know Amara and Rebecca aren't friends again?"

Lydia furrowed her brows at Ogechi and grinned.
"I'm not surprised o"

"But mama why can't we throw Amara out of the house already?"Ogechi whined.

Lydia shook her head at Ogechi,"No my daughter. Mrs Justice is beginning to take a likening to Amara. If we throw her out what if Mrs Justice takes her in? That's a big blow to our faces. She will now fully be with Jordan"

Ogechi bit her bottom lip in annoyance and grumbled.
"So what should we do about her? This girl will take everything that belongs to us"

"She will never. If the need arises I'll have to deal with her the way I dealt with Nne"

Ogechi raised her brows and shook her head at her mother.
"Mama what do you mean?"

Lydia surveyed the environment and leaned in closer to Ogechi's ear.
"I'll have to kill her"

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