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It had been a week since Midoriya fought the Shocker, and honestly? He wasn't taking it well. Ever since he lost that fight his Spider Sense would alert him randomly during the day, or when he walked past people in the street...and why could he sense someone following him? He wasn't in costume why would someone be watching him...

Midoriya waddled towards U.A, body covered in bandages and his foot in a cast after Mitsuki dragged him to the hospital. He clutched to a crutch as a temporary substitute for his leg, though he kept forgetting to lean on it and ended up shooting pain up his leg. Not fun. Never the less, it gave him time off from Spider-Man and let him catch up with his work.

Not only that, but he managed to finally get gyroscope stabilisers for Hatsume! With time off, he might take her out to eat!....No absolutely not....Maybe Shinso? The greenette ruffled his fuzzy Viridian locks as if to signify his disdain for wanting to be in a social situation. It was so hard.

Approaching his school, he noticed two very familiar people stood outside the gates which he noticed due to his fondness "Shinsou! Hatsume!" He called out with a smile, raising his hand to wave only to immediately stand on his bad leg. The two stood there.

He waddled over with a smile plastered on his face, oh how he missed them! He plucked some small metal devices from his bag and held them out as he approached his friends "H-Hatsume-San, b-before I forget, I g-got these for you!"

The pink haired girl smiled awkwardly. Shinsou just stared. "G-Guys? Y-You okay?" His words seemed to snap them out of their weird moment, The purplette scoffing and the support student laughing

"Midoriya I needed those weeks ago!" She chuckled, a pang of guilt rushing through the shortest boy there. Shinso simply flicked his forehead.

"But" he rolled his eyes at Deku "All is forgiven, I ended up picking a pair up for her." Izuku nodded, his Spider Sense flaring up as a blonde girl walked passed immediately catching his eye.

"Whoa.." The boy muttered as he caught a glimpse of her gorgeous face "Wh-Who is th-th-that?" Hitoshi raised an eyebrow, his sullen eyes following Midoriya's gaze to the girl.

"No clue, I haven't seen her here before.. shes in uniform so I'm guessing she's an exchange student." Izuku kept his eyes on her.

"Exchange student.."


Izuku sat in his room, using his mothers old sewing machine to create his new suit after the last one got torn to shreds. It was a slow, grueling process, but it kept his mind off the hundreds of people that he could be helping. As soon as the suit was done he would be able to...

He stopped that train of thought as the machine made an unsettling clicking noise, indicating it had ran out of usable thread. Crap. He took a fresh role out of his drawer and began weaving through the small grey device. He can't keep wasting so much fabric and thread, his powers were spider themed not money themed.

After restocking the thread, he leaned back with a sigh. He decided to plug in his headphones and listen to the radio while he continued to work.

"Listen." The newscaster began to speak, a familiar raspy voice bringing a smile to the boys face "I know you folks think of me as the conspiracy nut, I get it. BUT LISTEN TO J. JONAH. JAMESON. WHEN I SAY SOMETHINGS AFOOT, SOMETHING IS GOD DAMNED AFOOT!" Midoriya shook his head and laughed at the usual ramblings of JJJ.

"That menace Spider-man disappeared last week after a 'failed' attempt to rob a bank! Endeavour or Hawks, hell even Mt Lady could've taken to the scene! He is stealing the jobs of your heroes in a vain attempt to upstage your hard working superheroes! Ever since All Might passed the mantle, we've been left to pick up the pieces! And that's getting harder and harder as more heroes retire! We need a new symbol! Not a damn menace! Fuck off Spider-Man!"

Deku paused.

"Maybe I should leave...everyone would be so much better off without m-" he almost stabbed himself under the machine needle as the radio was interrupted by a breaking news segment. Midoriya peered down and grimaced.


-The Daily Bugle

He hesitantly clicked on the article, a deep feeling of fear settling into him. He stood up only for both his leg and Spider-Sense to flare up. He wasn't in any shape to fight, hell he wasn't even able to stop the Shocker! A random one off villain! He isn't a hero..

"WE ALL UNANIMOUSLY AGREE THIS MENACE HAS HAD ENOUGH LIMELIGHT!" The radio continued to play. Not being able to take standing on his bad leg anymore, mixed with the anguish of being useless in the face of both shocker and now unable to save anyone from scorpion. He dropped to the floor. Tears began to drip down his cheeks in waves, crawling down towards the floor.

His phone slipped off the table, dropping beneath him and showing him the many many articles the Bugle had made on him.


"Spider-man stops bank robbery at what cost?"

"Homeless woman found dead. Confirmed to be the Chameleon Killer"

"Hunt for the Chameleon Killer leads to suburban Musufutsu"

"Web-head nuisance steals child"

"Pathetic Wall crawler tries to humiliate MPD!"

Everyone hates him... he can't do anything right... he clicked onto the Daily bugles video list, intent to stay in his depressive episode.

A live feed.

"We stand here as heroes hunt for the scorpion, however they are all struggling to do any real damage to the villain! We've been advised to wait on a-!" An explosion rang out of the building behind the presenter, sending debris crashing down on innocent civilians "We just have to wait for a hero to show up! B-But how many people must die before then!"

The greenettes tears kept flowing, but did it matter? Did any of this matter? Who cares if he's useless. If he could just get there. If he could just provide the smallest bit of help. Wouldn't that be enough?

He grabbed onto his desk with as much strength as he could muster, his ankles buckling beneath the weight of his body. The boy stood. Grabbing his torn suit and throwing some warm clothes over the top- he pulled the window open, a gust of icy, snowy wind pushing back against his frame.

His body hadn't healed. He wasn't okay mentally. Hell, he didn't even have a proper suit! But looking back into his room... he can't just sit here. And with that, he leapt from the window.

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