Get a job you bum!

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"Katsuki don't talk like that to Izuku!" After the scorpion fight Deku had elected to take life a bit slower on account of his leg acting up.

"What?! If he's gonna laze around all day he can get a job, mom!" Now that his spider-time was cut in half, he had no real reason to skip a family dinner.

"You k-know if I'm just g-gonna cause arguments I-I-I don't mind eating upstairs-" the greenette spat out in between stutters. He was sat at the dining room table, Katsuki opposite, Masaru at the head, and Mitsuku in the kitchen.

"Nonsense Midoriya" the timid husband of the household chimed in "Its rare we can get everyone at the table like this, I'm glad you're here" The eldest Bakugo and Izuku smiled at eachother before the hero course student abruptly stood up.

"Ugh, all this nicey nice bullshit is seriously pissing me off. I'm gonna go wait outside for roundface." The explosive blonde and his meek father began to have a dispute while the words registered in Midoriyas mind.

"Oh, Ochako-san is coming?" He turned in his seat to face the youngest Bakugo, who was stood precariously in the doorway- mid argument with his dad.

"Duh. For once we can have a dinner with your useless ass here. All together. You know like a fucking family." Despite his rude tone, and Masaru reprimanding him for swearing Deku felt moved by the brief display of affection. Even if it sounded more like a backhanded compliment.


Yuri stormed up to her boss' door, repping repeatedly against the glass of the precinct office. A faint 'come in' gave her full permission to enter, which she did with gusto "Captain Tsukauchi, I don't want to impose but-" She paused as she saw the pro-hero Erasure-head stood in the shadows of the corner, the overhead light barely illuminating him in the harsh lighting.

"You have caught me at a bad time officer Watannabe." The raven haired police Captain sighed, rubbing his temples while he sat at his desk "Eraser here is telling me why arresting crimminals is wrong." The remark made by naomasa plucked a groan from the other man.

"That isn't what I'm saying, I just think it's illogical to round up only the most talented vigilantes and arrest them" the Captain ran his hands over his face as if to try and calm himself. "Vigilantes like Spider-Man, although reckless and unsupervised, are doing well enough to where they aren't putting anyone in danger. To best protect civilians I think you should hunt down the lesser known vigilantes who don't have powerful quirks, who are liabilities to themselves and others."

"How?" Tsukauchi muttered "After the retirement of All Might small time vigilantes have been popping up everywhere, we can't send cops to hunt people like that down, especially not when we have The Kingpin already wearing our force thin. Our best bet is to go after people like Spider-Man, Moon Knight, Knuckle-duster, The Crawler, anyone like them because its easy and sends a message. No more."

"But-" Aizawa tried to speak, but was immediately silenced by Naomasa.

"No, I don't want to hear another word about this. Officer Watannabe, what did you want to talk about. Good news I hope?" The Captain sighed as she shook her head no.

"The scorpi- erm, Elaine Coll is refusing to co-operate Sir. She said she won't let anything slip again, that she's already said too much" Yuri jumped slightly as the man slammed his hand down on his desk.

"God damn it! Who has she been talking to? Only you and officer Diaz have been with her!" Naomasa paused "God damn it. Who the hell could have got her to talk?! She's obviously not afraid of Gunhead and we've flown him out here just to interrogate her!" The room was silent. Until the two police officers locked eyes in realisation.

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