Friendly neighbourhood

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Spider-man walked down the street, wearing a red puffy coat, blue beanie and bright red shoes over his spandex uniform. He had his headphones in, dancing down the street while listening to some random song he was recommended on spotify from a band called deep dope or something. And if he was being honest? It was an absolute bop.

He nodded his head from side to side in time with the beat, inspecting his wrist to see how much web fluid he had. He had got a few strange looks from passersby, but an awkward wave and a curt nod later and they couldnt help but giggle. Walking up to a vendor in the street selling katsudon from a small storefront, he ordered some food and began walking once again chewing on some of his favourite dish.

Looking up, he found some guy with blue skin running towards him with a stolen purse, his head over his shoulder as the woman he stole it from gave chase. Stepping to the side, Izuku tripped over the crook who landed on the pavement with a thud. The red and blue clad vigilante retrieved the purse and passed it to the woman who was running after him.

Midoriya smiled.

He continued down the street, ignoring all the cheers and well dones thrown his way as he enjoyed his Katsudon. He watched as clouds rolled across the grey sky, and snow crunched beneath his red boots. It was a nice day in Musufutsu.

Unknown to the boy, two cat like eyes watched his every move with delightful precision.

Finished eating, the greenette put the disposable cardboard his lunch came in the trash before pulling his mask down. Yep. A wonderful day.

He jumped slightly as his phone, the vibrating device singing about peace signs, he chuckled as he unlocked it to see a clip of All Might, rising from the ashes of a building, a crowd on his back as a torrent of flame storms the building below. "I...


The screen roared...Deku smiled.. How long had it been? A year? Two Since the Symbol of Peace retired. The greenette turned back to the mugger he caught. After All Might retired rampant crime went through the roof, Endeavor took his place as the symbol of hope and justice, but he could never burn as bright as All Might.

As for the Spider-Man, he stepped in at the right time with crime running rampant the government had almost been overthrown, but steadily and surely vigilantes like him rose to the challenge, stopping the weaker villains and those scared by the unrest. Vigilantes like him drew away the inconveniences so the Pros could fight the real villains.

He read the caption attached to the clip, "LIMITED EDITION ALL MIGHT HOODIES NOW IN STOCK!" Hm.. Maybe he could spare some pocket mone- huh.. He scrolled down slightly, watching intently as two brown orbs gazed sweetly into his own. There was a photo of Ochako eating some KFC, and beside her with his arm outstretched to hold the camera was Bakugo.

He stared for a second.

"A-Anyway, Hoodie.." he scrolled back up, shaking his head roughly to try and focus on what his purchase but failed. "Social interaction...eugh...." he paused briefly. "Social interaction.."


"FUCK DO YOU WANT LOSER!" Deku had unlocked the door to his aunt's house, taking on step only to find Katsuki.

"A-Ah, K-K-K-Ka-Kacchan! Wh-What fo you mean?" The blonde glared at the newcomer

"You're never home! Why the fuck wo-gerk-!" The boy was promptly smacked to the side by Mitsuki.

"Izuku!" The woman coddled Deku instantly "I've missed you so much! It's so nice that you're home on time for once! Dont mind that little dipshit everything's fine!" She kept Deku restrained in a bear hug until he gave a choked-

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