The spectacular Ochako Uraraka

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Izuku wearily opened one of his eyelids to see Bakugo stood in his doorway

"Get the fuck up! You're gonna be late again and I cant have people thinking I'm associated with a peice of shit!" The greenette sat up, rubbing his eyes and pushing himself out of his covers "Another thing! I'm bringing my girlfriend round afterschool, so dont you fucking dare freak her out or bail again you pathetic peice of shit!"

Midoriya stood up, his All Might pyjamas a complete mess "I-I didn't k-know you h-had a girlfriend K-Kacchan, c-c-congratulations!" He earned a small Tch from the blonde

"And no calling me that confront of her or I will fucking cut your tongue out! She's only just stopped calling me that since you last opened your fucking trap!" With that, he stormed out, slamming the door behind him in a fit of rage.

Deku rested a hand on his chin "Kacchan has a girlfriend? I wonder who it is? Perhaps that Pink girl that is in his group photos on Instagram?" He sighed, not understanding why he didn't know his friend had a girlfriend, chastising himself.

He stumbled over to his window, pulling open the blinds, blinding himself with the bright light of the outside world.

"Whoever she is, I'll be sure to make a great first impression!"


"I've already met her.."

Sweat dripped down the side of his head as he watched Bakugo walk down the street with the brunette he saw him with the day prior.

"How did I forget her?" He mused, sure he'd only saw her once-

No, twice, he talked to her on the train afterwards too! How did this girl slip his mind so easily? He guesses that he was kind of losing it lately, his first Villain encounter had only been a month ago, and he had been staying out late, he even thought leaving school in his suit was a good idea!

He shudders "oh god, social interaction."

Midoriya was perched ontop of a relatively tall building, surveying the area (mostly just spying on Katsuki) and patrolling as Spider-Man. So far he had helped an elderly woman move a couch into her home, attached a bicycle to a car roof for easier transport, and helped a couple find the ice cream shop.

Sure it wasn't anything heroic like stopping a villain or catching a building, but its what he loved most about being a vigilante, just going around and helping people with the little things.

Leaping off of the roof he swung to a wall above the couple, the two entering the store he stood on. Looking at the sign beneath him and debating wether or not he should go in and casually follow. It may be creepy and unnecessary considering she would be coming over when the two had finished doing whatever they were doing, but he was curious.

"Wait, she heard me speak in the suit, what if she recognizes my-" the greenette is snapped out of his thoughts by a squeaky voice

"Are you the Spider boy?" He looked down to see a small boy with spikey blue hair, jutting out in any direction it wanted

"No, its spider-" he paused and sighed before smiling "Yeah I'm Spider-man!"
The boy grinned widely

"Woah! Thas so cool!" By Izuku's estimations, the kid was no older than 8 "Do a flip!" Having nothing better to do, the teenager jumped off the wall, performing a somersault and landing perfectly beside the bluette

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