Pitch Black

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~Hi babes, this is my new book! Enjoy! By the way, would you guys like it if I made a playlist you could listen to while reading the story? It would contain a lot of music that is used in the movies but also music I link the story with, let me know in the comments! Love you all!~

I saw that Destrier was completely exhausted after all the running and decided to give the horse some rest and tied him to a tree so that he could rest a bit, Ares soon came running towards me. He had grown so big since I got him from Caspian six months ago, when you see him you would think he was going to eat you but once he trusts you then you know him as a big teddy bear. The black haired wolf stared at me with his big eyes as if to tell me he wanted another round, I laughed "Sometimes I really wonder where you get all that energy from", the wolf understood we were taking a break and laid his head on my lap. It has been 10 months since we returned from our adventure, I miss my brothers and sisters dearly and think of them every day. I hope that one day my wish will come true and that I will see them again...The last 10 months I have done nothing but train, day in day out, also with Ares. I trust him blindly and I think he loves running through these woods as much as I do, and besides Caspian is much more at ease when Ares is with me. The relationship between me and Caspian is dreamy as ever, when I'm with him I feel like I'm living on a cloud and like I can take on the world. I find it hilarious how he always tries his best to take over my royal duties as much as possible, he knows I enjoy training in the woods with my bow and arrow much more.

Ares stood up already wagging his tail and looking at me mischievously, I knew that was his way of asking if we were rested enough and that he was ready to continue our training. I saw that Destrier had also caught his breath and smiled at my wolf "Alright then, let's go" and rubbed his head. I stood up and climbed onto the horse's back, soon we were galloping and I was enjoying the wind in my face and the smell of the forest invading my nostrils. We rode for hours and hours, I saw that it was getting dark and decided that it was time to return to the castle before it got completely dark.

On the way back I noticed something strange, it seemed as if the mood had changed in the forest. A certain coldness had set in and an icy wind had picked up, I felt very uncomfortable and apparently I wasn't the only one because Ares was also more alert than ever before. I noticed that suddenly Destrier too started to get restless, something was about to happen. We walked for a few minutes until I made Destrier stop abruptly, I got off and walked to the place where I saw something strange. When I got there I saw that I had not seen it wrong, this was worrying. A whole section of the forest around a pond was pitch black, it looked like a piece of forest had been burnt down but that was not possible at all because otherwise the surrounding land would also be affected and you could smell it but this was not the case. When I looked at the pond I became even more worried, the water was as black as night. I walked towards it and put my hands into the water, the water had an oil-like colour and texture. I collected some water in a water bottle that I had brought with me so we could examine it once inside the castle, something is seriously wrong. I was just about to stand up when I heard a bush rustle behind me, it certainly wasn't coming from Destrier or Ares for they were facing me and seemed as impressed by this phenomenon as I was. I decided to leave it at that, it was probably an animal that was curious. Suddenly I heard something running towards me, I turned around and saw a centaur with his sword at the ready. Something had happened to the centaur, something I had never seen before, he was grey as if the life had been sucked out of him and his eyes were black throughout as if they came from a demon. The centaur attacked me and soon Ares also came to my aid, my bow and arrow were still in the bags tied to my horse's back but luckily I remembered that I had my knives in my holsters on my legs. I quickly retrieved them and tried to convince the centaur that I did not want to harm him and that I was his queen but it seemed as if he was in some kind of trance, he tried to attack me several times but he did not succeed once. After a while I was able to overpower him but I didn't feel good about it, I had to kill someone of my own people. I didn't look good after the fight, I had cuts all over my face and a split lip, my hair was full of leaves and twigs but I didn't care that much. I climbed back on Destrier and galloped to the castle, I've never travelled so fast the way from the forest to the castle. 

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