The end

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It was time to fight. Caspian and I held hands while looking at the mines exploding. The explosions were telling us that Morus' army was getting closer but there was still time for everyone to hide or to get to a safe place.

I must admit that I had loads of stress that I just couldn't seem to shake, there was so much at stake. After a couple of minutes, we could hear the terrifying sound of their battering ram breaking through our wooden front gates, you could actually hear the wood splinter under the pressure of the battering ram. They were awfully quiet, there were no battle screams of any kind or whispers. Everything was covered with a blanket of ultimate silence. It was long before we could hear Morus's paws walking around the courtyard, his heavy steps echoing through the city streets. It had never sounded as loud as it did now.

Everyone waited in suspense for the moment when the signal to attack was given. From theplatform, I had a perfect view of the enemy and he seemed confused. So our plan had worked, he had the idea that we were not prepared and that the mines might just be an alarm but that we were not prepared for battle. He could not have been more wrong. The lion kept looking around as if he expected defeat at any moment but, to his surprise, it did not come. His army stood stock-still behind him like statues, waiting for the order to attack. 

It remained silent, the only sound was coming from the rising storm. The clouds formed a dense black mass and looked threatening. Then the thunder came and seemed to wake Morus from his trance, he turned to his men 'Comb the whole area and find these underdogs. Don't let anyone live, they've had their chance'.

That last one sent a shiver through my body, he was not willing to let children and mothers live. He had to be stopped, he will and must never come to power because Narnia would be lost. The troops obeyed their leader and started combing the city. What was extremely important for us now was to attack silently and use the element of surprise. These creatures had no common sense and no conscience, so it was easy to sneak up on them. Fighting these hypnotized Narnians was difficult and that's why the element of surprise attack was so important because it gave us a big advantage. 

The army split up and left Morus with only a small group. Peter and Ed were responsible for taking out that group, and it was then up to Caspian and me to take on Morus. From the corner of my eye I could see my brothers following the group, as quietly as possible. I looked at Caspian and gave him a quick nod, telling him that it was now time for us to get moving too. 

We knew this castle better than anyone, so we knew all the shortcuts across the rooftops, and they came in handy. Foot by foot we moved like shadows in the night, with sounds quieter than a breeze. Not that it mattered much, for a strong wind had set up and it was now thundering heavily. The sound of thunder clattered against all the walls and made almost nothing else audible. 

Morus came to a halt by the tree on the square where I had said goodbye to my brothers and sisters so many years ago. It seemed an appropriate place to fight it out, I must admit. So I quickened my pace and almost betrayed myself when I slipped on a roof tile made slippery by the condensation. The roofs were coming to an end, so now we had to climb down the drainpipe. A feeling of relief came over me when I saw that I was safely on the ground without Morus noticing my presence.

A little later I also felt Caspian standing behind me, which again gave me a feeling of relief. I saw that while Morus was scouting around, his group of soldiers was getting smaller and smaller, this was the work of my two brothers. After a while, when Morus turned around to look at his soldiers, he was surprised to see that there were none left. 

Peter and Ed left this place as planned and headed towards the inner city to lead our army there and to eliminate as many of Morus's troops as possible or even wake them up from their trance if possible. Susan was also now busy leading the archers and making sure the catacombs were not attacked. It was now finally up to me and Caspian to eliminate Morus once and for all.

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