Meeting gone wrong

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Weeks went by without a sign of Morus and therefore all we did was train and prepare for what had to come. Peter and Edmund grew very close to Thena and Diana, I could sense something blooming between them. Today I was called for a crisis council since there have been a lot of missing soldiers and Narnians lately and we can all guess who's behind it.

While I'm going to the meeting my sisters will head into town for some groceries. When I woke up, Caspian was already gone and so I quickly got dressed and headed to the meeting room where the council had gathered. "Thank you for waiting, my Lords," I said as I took place next to my husband who didn't even seem to notice my presence since he was so deeply thinking, the general was the first to speak up and explained the urgent matter "A few weeks ago our Queen had the idea to send patrols into the woods to search for any track of Morus, but every day only the half of the men return and the other half is traumatised." "I'm sorry to hear that general Clousot, we will find our lost men and Narnians." "What do you think is happening?" asked Lord Regentle "Well, I think Morus is making himself an army by brainwashing our men into his soldiers," I answered, the Lords all nodded in agreement but still no response from their King which is very odd in times like this.

"I suggest we stop the patrols," another Lord said "Then how do you suggest we keep track of Morus?" the general asked annoyed "Well uhm.." the Lord couldn't answer. "Since it was the idea of our marvellous queen," a Lord said sarcastically "I suggest she can be the one searching the woods for this so-called evil cat" he spat. I had never seen this lord before so I didn't know his name. I was just about to say something about the disrespectful comment when Caspian banged his fist on the back of his chair and the whole room fell silent in horror. I too was startled by his sudden aggression, so I looked at him questioningly. He stood up in the middle of the room and turned to the Lord who made the comment "Were you really going to propose sending the Queen on a suicide mission, the same person who made sure you could live in a free Narnia!" spat Caspian furiously at the Lord. To my surprise, the Lord didn't seem intimidated by Caspian's outburst, in fact, he seemed to get even angrier and stood up as well "And are you suggesting that we let ourselves be made to suffer by a woman who wasn't born in Narnia but just thinks of herself that she has the right to call the shots because she happens to be married to a prince?" the man said with a smirk as he looked around the room hoping to get support from others present. I found it rather laughable, Caspian, on the other hand, was turning bright red with anger and was ready to scold the man. I then stood up and walked over to them, putting my hand on Caspian's shoulder for reassurance "Let me handle this" I whispered in his ear. I could see from his facial expression that he already had an idea of what I was going to do. The man looked at me with a defiant smirk "What are you going to do princess?" before he knew it he was lying on the ground with a broken nose and jaw, I looked down at him and answered, "Oh just use my left hook seems to be enough".

The man was picked up by the guards and escorted out of the room. From the moment the man was gone the people present began to clap and cheer "We do have faith in you my Queen." said an old Lord. I nodded gratefully and sat back down on my throne next to Caspian. The rest of the meeting went peacefully and without a hitch, everyone agreed to the idea of mapping the forest so we could track his movements and the abductions without endangering too many people, griffins would also be used to scout the area from above.

As the meeting came to a close Caspian quicklyleft the room, I knew something was bothering him and ran after him."Darling, wait!" I shouted but he didn't respond and just walked on,I hate being ignored so I soon lost patience with my husband"Caspian!" I called sternly, he stopped walking but still didn't turnto me. I walked up to him and turned him towards me, I could see he wasfurious. "What is it? Please talk to me" "It's just this allmakes me so angry. We have fought for so long for a peaceful and free Narniaand now there is one person who can take all that away from us. He takeseverything: time we can spend together, the lives of Narnians and soldiers butmost importantly he takes away the hope!" "I get it, really. But it's no usegetting so angry, it only costs you energy and it gets you nowhere. Come withme, you need to let off some steam" I said as I took his hand and led him to oneof the many training rooms in the palace, this one was a bit hidden so normallynobody would interrupt and that was exactly what we needed.

I grabbed two longwooden sticks from the rack and threw one at Caspian who caught it. He lookedat me questioningly but the only answer he got from me was a smirk. Soon Iattacked him and as I had expected he blocked the attack. Our sticks struckeach other several times with enormous force and after a few minutes, I saw theopportunity to disarm him, because he was not focused on his footwork and Icould easily make him stumble and drop his stick. Now I had the advantage butnot for long because the king did not give in so easily, he took the bottom ofmy stick and knowing that I would not let go he hit the stick hard forward sothat I now lay on the ground. Thank God there are mats here otherwise I wouldhave broken everything, I growled in frustration.

Now we were both unarmed"Do you just want to fight fist to fist?" asked Caspian, I smirked"I thought you'd never ask!" I said running towards him, he tried tohit me several times but I dodged each attempt deftly "Don't make it easyfor me, love" I smiled. Now it was my turn to attack, I tried to hit himbut he grabbed my arm tightly so that I couldn't move. He held me tightly but Itilted my head back and he let me go, then I wrapped my legs around his waistand launched him to the ground. He sighed in frustration and stayed down, Iwasn't done yet and walked over to him. I wanted complete surrender so Igrabbed his head between my legs and held his arm. Caspian on the other handwas not ready to surrender yet and used all his might to wriggle free and nowsit on top of me while he kept my hands pressed firmly to the ground, Icouldn't move. I did, however, have a plan....a distraction. I smirked at himmischievously and before I knew it, the grip on my wrists weakened and his lipscrashed on mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist and used all my strength tochange our position so that he was now under me, I smiled at him. "Really,a distraction?" he said surprised, I laughed "I had to do something,I really couldn't let you win" "It was a nice distractionthough" "Well, let's try again then," I said as I wrapped my armsaround his neck and my lips met his.

After a few minutes, we both had to gaspfor air after the long passionate kiss "What do you think? A bath and thentea with my brothers and sisters?" "Sounds like a plan!" he saidwhile standing up and offered me his hand which I naturally accepted withpleasure. 

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