The first preparations

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I was woken by hard rain falling on our bedroom floor, for a second I just stared at the rain in amazement. It never rains in the city, this must-have to do with Morus. When I had escaped from my trance, I sprinted to the window and closed it with a bang, this bang now woke up my husband as well. "Huh, what happened?" he asked confused in his deep morning voice. "You won't believe me but, it's raining." "Impossible" he whispered as he came to stand beside me. We both now watched as the rain enveloped the city in a dark atmosphere. "The only time I have seen rain is when we were at sea, it has never rained here." "I'm guessing this has something to do with our contemporary issues if you know what I mean..." I said while staring at the droplets pouring down from the dark grey clouds. "Do you think Morus is behind this?" "Well, if he can rob people of their lives and suck out their energy just by touching them then I also think he can influence the weather in a dark and evil way." "You're probably right, now what?" 

"Let's start with today's plan." I suggested "What do you suggest?" he asked as he put his arms around my waist "Maybe it's a good idea that first, we have breakfast with my siblings, then we put together a council and organise a meeting and finally we organise an announcement in the city, we need to warn the people of the impending danger." "Sounds like a great plan," Cas said as he kissed my forehead. "Thanks my love, shall we head to breakfast?" I asked smiling "We shall do that my love" he smiled back at me. We both headed to the dining room and as I expected my siblings were already present and enjoying the breakfast to its fullest. "Hi everybody," I said when walking into the room, they all greeted me and began discussing tactics on how to beat Morus. 

While they were reviewing that matter, Caspian and I were deciding who should become part of the council and what we're going to tell the people. "I think my siblings definitely should become part of the council but we also have to include generals, admirals, Lords and normal soldiers. We want someone of every department to represent their district." "That's a great idea actually, this will give a realistic image and in this way, we can all work together to find a solution. Perfect I'm on it, I will select several men from every department and invite them to the council and after that, I will arrange our first meeting. Can you think of what we tell our people?" "Perfect! Yeah, I think I've got some ideas." "Well, that's settled then." "Yup, if you don't mind I will take my siblings after breakfast to go see a weaponsmith. I want them to be well equipped if you know what I'm saying?" "Yeah sure, besides I figure you can use some extra daggers." "You thought absolutely right!" I laughed when kissing his cheek. 

Lucy interrupted, being curious as ever she asked us what the plan was for today so I explained that in the afternoon Caspian and I had to deal with some matters like explaining to the people what was awaiting them but that we were going to visit a weaponsmith in the morning so that they would be well supplied for the battle. My siblings were very excited about the latter, especially Lucy since she wanted another weapon she could use beside her dagger. We all got ready to leave and met each other in the courtyard, sadly it was still raining, and since I still haven't managed to find time to design an umbrella here in Narnia, our only option was to were cloaks. Don't get me wrong, I love cloaks as they are extremely fashionable and they give this mysterious vibe but there terribly for when it rains. With that said, we were already soaked to the bone from just standing there waiting for each other to arrive. After we all assembled I led the way to our beloved weaponsmith, Jack, he is the best! He can do magical things with metal! I led my sisters into this wooden cabinet Caspian and I had designed for him, this was his workplace since he was the official weapon supplier of our Kingsguard. 

" Hi Jack, long time no see!" "If it isn't my favourite my favourite warrior! What can I do for you today and ooooh who have you brought?" he asked not recognising my siblings, I chuckled " Jack, I want you to meet my siblings, the famous Kings and Queens of old." "Oh my, I'm sorry for my impoliteness your Majesties." "There's no need for these formalities, a friend of my sister is a friend of mine besides I've heard great things of you. I'm Peter, it's a pleasure to meet you Jack" "The pleasure is all mine, Peter. So what can I do for you?" "As you probably already knew there's a battle nearing, one like we've never seen before and we're going to need some tremendous weapons." "Say less!" he said enthusiastically "Who's first?" he asked looking at us. Susan threw me a confused look, "Jack makes up a profile of each one of us, from that he'll design you a weapon that fits you perfectly and in which you can trust unconditionally." My siblings nodded and I saw Lucy glowing with excitement "Why don't you go first, Lu?" I suggested, she squealed and followed Jack into his study. 

"What do you think she will get?" Edmund asked curiously "I guess she will get a sword like us" Peter proposed, "No I don't think so, I think she will get two daggers like Maria since she already has it as a weapon but now it will be more advanced. What do you think Maria?" "Actually, I think she will get a bow and arrow like you Su. Ed, do you remember when we were fighting the sea serpent? Lu grabbed Susan's bow and shot the creature in his eye, she was pretty skilled." After ten minutes Lucy came back with an enormous smile on her face. "So, what did you get?" Peter asked, "I got a.... sabre!!" "Did not see that one coming" Edmund mumble "Yeah, none of us did actually." Susan admitted "I explained to Jack I wanted something elegant, not too heavy but also not too small like a dagger. So he drew me this gorgeous sabre, I love it!." I smiled at my sister and turned to the rest of my siblings "Who's next?" I asked with a grin. 

One by one they went in and got a new weapon assigned. Peter, he got an axe, I mean now that it's mentioned, he does look like an axe type. My other brother got a specially designed crossbow since he enjoyed using it while fighting the Telmarin army. Susan was the only one who didn't get another weapon, she stayed with the concept of her bow and arrow, Susan has this amazing talent and the weaponsmith didn't want to change it. However, Jack will make a few adjustments so that the bow will even be more advanced and that the arrow can cause greater damage than before if needed. I was the last to go in, I wanted to ask Jack for a favour. "Hi Jack, I really appreciate what you did for my siblings they really feel understood now." "No problem Maria, it was a real pleasure working with them. Now, what can I do for you?" "Well, I have two favours to ask" "Ask away my queen" "I want you to design a sword for Caspian, I intend to gift it to him before heading into battle. It will lift the spirits and give him a boost. Do you think you can do that?" "Yeah, I think I have just the perfect idea for that." "Thank you so much, Jack!" "So, what's the second favour?" "Well, I have this idea for a weapon but I don't know if it's realisable." "Please, do tell me" "I want a piece of everyday jewellery that changes in a weapon, like a staff or something like that. Something I can wear on every occasion, in that way I'll never be unarmed. I know it's a lot to ask and probably impossible, but.." "I'll see what I can do because that's an idea that can't go to waste." "Thanks, Jack, when can we come to pick up the weapons." "Well, I don't think I will need a lot of time. I will set all my men to work but I suggest you visit your tailor Elisabeth in the meantime." "Why?" "Well, we've done some kind of collab knowing you were going to need some specialised clothing. The boys can stay here, I will have some of my finest men design armour for them." I smiled at him and thanked him for everything before joining my siblings. I explained the further plan to them and so we split up.

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