a white surprise

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I was woken up by the sound of laughing children in our courtyard. By the sound of it they were really happy and enthusiastic about something and of course I wanted to find out what that something was so I threw on my robe and walked towards our giant window. When I stood there I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought I was dreaming or that this was some kind of joke. However, the white, soft and peaceful snow that was now covering the castle proved otherwise. I have never seen snow in Narnia, at least not since the period of White Witch but from the stories, I've heard the snow wasn't as peaceful. This snow was, it brought a certain smile to everyone's face. I stood there for a long time looking at the snow covering the little town and for a minute everything was forgotten. 

Suddenly I felt to hand creeping around my waist 'Goodmorning love' 'Goodmorning my prince. Why don't you have a look outside?' 'I don't know about that, I'd rather look at my beautiful wife.' 'Well your beautiful wife asks you to look outside so why don't you do what your beautiful wife says?' I said playfully, Caspian sighed disappointed 'What's so special about our courtyard anyw-' 'See what I'm talking about?' 'It snows" he stuttered with disbelief while looking at the completely white site. 'No shit dumbass' 'I see you're sarcastic as always' 'Boohoo' 'You're so childish my queen' 'Oh you think that's childish?' I said with a playful voice thinking about my next move. At this point, my husband stood with his back to me. I quietly turned around and opened the window without making any sound. The snow was begging me to take a huge scoop of it and launch it at my dear husband so that's exactly what I did. 'Maria!' he yelled 'Yes, my king?' he just stood there completely astonished by my action but not long after he busted into laughter. 'What? You said I was childish so why not live up to it?' I laughed, Caspian stood there shaking his head with a huge grin on his face 'I love you' 'And I love you, my dear king' I said giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

We got ready and headed to the council that was waiting for our arrival. Today we would discuss the further plans for the battle that would go down in the castle. 'Gentlemen, thank you all for coming on such short notice. We would like to discuss the battleplans today' I began the meeting as usual. I give the word to the king and he started explaining the circumstances as they were at the moment 'The battle in the forest was successful, however, we've lost around fifty men. The queen requested that priority would be given to burying these men and giving support to their families. This would deliver the message to the people that we don't only care about defeating the enemy but that we most care about our own people. 'I think that's an excellent idea, your Majesties' Lord Revlon said, the other Lords nodded supporting Revlon's statement. 'Very well, then I would like to give the word to our queen since she was the one who came up with a plan regarding the battle that will take place here.' 

'Thank you, my king' I said giving him a wink 'I did indeed come up with a plan but I need your criticism to get to flaws out of it so that we have a solid plan.' 'Firstly, I would start the preparations immediately so that we're ready at any time since I think it's the best idea that we wait until Morus attacks us. By doing this he will feel insecure since he has to fight an unknown grounds and does not know what is waiting for him. We have to protect the women, children and elders at all costs so that's why I suggest that we lock them up in the catacombs beneath the castle with lots of rations and some guards stationed at the gate. We're also not forcing anyone to fight, anyone who doesn't want to can join the rest in the catacombs but we really want to motivate the people to fight for us because we need enormous numbers to defeat Morus. I also think it would be a good idea to put Lucy and Aslan together in the catacombs, Aslan will keep everyone safe and if we need him then he's nearby and Lucy will be safe down there so we won't have to worry. Regarding the battleplans, I suggest we go all the way by using booby traps, a surprise attack, and heavy weaponry. We have to give it everything we have." 

"Can I please point something out, my queen?" Lord Exralon asked carefully "Of course my Lord!" "What do you suppose we do about these weather conditions? Snow isn't an easy thing to fight in." "I agree completely my Lord but I suggest we see the snow as our ally. By searching for footprints in the snow we detect spies and catch them before they report back to Morus. I agree that fighting in the snow isn't ideal but that's why we're going to need loads of salt" every lord in the meeting room looked at me confused "it's basic chemistry, by putting salt on the snow it will start to melt so within the castle walls the snow won't be a problem. Outside these walls, it's our ally because we can catch spies and it will definitely slow their army down once they try to attack." "That's an excellent solution, my queen. Thank you" I nodded to Lord Exralon expressing my gratitude for asking me questions. 

"Any other questions?" "Yes, I do have a question" Lord Besordes answered politely "What do you plan on doing when they attack at night? We won't see them coming from the woods when it's dark" "Thank you for your question Lord Besordes. I have thought about that in fact. It's just an idea but what if we put some kind of trap on the field towards the battle. The trap would exist out of a wire and some kind of mines, when the army crosses the wire it will trigger the mines to be set on fire. We just put our fuel in it and create a spark by the wire that's being pulled by our attacker." "Oh, that's actually a brilliant idea" the Lord admitted astonished. 

When I looked at Caspian I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, he just sat there with his mouth wide open as if I just discovered the laws of gravity. I laughed to myself and explained the rest of my plan after another hour of explaining the surprise attack, the strategy and the training schedule all the Lords frankly agreed with my plan. There was no one who disagreed and that brought a huge amount of relief seeing that we all agreed that this was a solid plan. 

When all the Lords left the room Caspian and I stayed behind and to my surprise, he was still staring with his mouth wide open "You know staring is rude right? And dear, close your mouth if you don't I will put one of Ed's dirty socks in it and believe me that smell and taste will haunt you for the rest of your days" I giggled looking at my husband who now quickly closed his mouth "I'm sorry it's just that I barely said a thing and that's just it, I didn't need to say anything because this plan is so good there is nothing to be said about. Everything you just said was so well thought about and considered, I just couldn't believe that I am married to this genius. I mean you're practically an engineer, a physicist, a chemist, a strategist, the most fearsome warrior Narnia has ever known and a born leader. The people of Narnia trust you blindly and they should. I mean this was extraordinary, for example, Lord Besordes is the most stubborn man I've ever met, he has never agreed with any of my battle plans and yet he agrees with yours and calls it brilliant. Maria, you are brilliant, you're extraordinary and Narnia would be lost without you. I would be lost without you" my heart skipped a beat and my breath got hitched in my throat but I managed to get out a joke "I know you would be lost without me" the room was now filled with the warm sound of our laughter, after a while we stopped laughing and just sat there staring and smiling at one another "I love you Cas and I couldn't do this without you" "I love you too princess" he said walking towards me. He engulfed me in a warm hug and kissed my forehead lovingly "We will defeat this together, I know we will" "You fight, I fight". 

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