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How is he?" I asked my sister, "He's fine, the spell is broken and he's back to his old self." "Thank Aslan, did he hurt himself?" "Just some scrapes but nothing serious other than that, he's mostly shocked." "I can imagine that, but how did he manage to escape from Morus' grip?" "Thanks to Thena," said a third voice that now suddenly entered the room. "Peter!" I jumped straight from my bed and flew into his arms. "Hey sis, I heard you were awake and thought we'd pay a visit." "Good thinking, how did you manage it?" "As I said, thanks to Thena and you. When you died and a piece of Morus died, he was temporarily weakened and the spell was vulnerable. Thena tried to overpower me and at that moment, oh god this is going to sound cliché, she kissed me and that apparently broke the curse completely." "Ha, a true love kiss!" "Ah shut up" "I'm just teasing you, Peter, I'm glad you're back. That reminds me, don't you ever again dare be so stupid as to leave the castle and oh yes go and find the enemy without any reinforcements, you imbecile!" I said as I slapped the back of his head. "God, you just died and even then you can be so fierce. Fine, I'll think twice next time before pulling another stupid stunt like that." "Thanks, Pete" I gave him a kiss on the cheek, I was really relieved now that I knew my family were all safe in the castle. 

Lucy was still comatose but at least she was safe. "Where is Thena?" asked Susan, "Here I am! I couldn't find Peter but then I figured he'd come here as soon as he knew you were awake." Thena also emerged from behind Peter who was still standing in the doorway. "Thena! What happened to your face?" I asked, worried. The black-haired girl had a gigantic gash on her face, running from above her eyebrow to just below her cheekbones. That will be a nasty scar. "Oh it's okay, it's a souvenir from the fight I had with your brother just before I broke the spell," she explained, from the corner of my eye, I saw Peter take her hand in his and give it a little squeeze. "I really want to thank you Thena, you saved my brother. If you want I can look for Lucy's healing cordial so the scar disappears." "No problem, someone had to take care of him and no there is no need. I see the scar as a memento of all this, plus I do look more dangerous this way." Peter smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Everyone left the room, leaving just Caspian and me. "How many men have we lost?" asked I after staring out the window for a while, I turned and looked at my husband "I'm guessing about fifty." "Damnit, I had hoped there would be fewer." "I know you'd say that even if I said only three men had died. We should be glad that we didn't lose half of our army as we did at the castle in the battle against Miraz." "I know but these are human lives we are talking about here. These are 50 men who will never return home to embrace their wives and children. 50 parents lost their child yesterday." A tear was about to leave my eye and roll down my cheek but soon Caspian grabbed my face with his soft hands and wiped the tear away. 

He looked deep into my eyes "You must not blame yourself for this. These men knew what they were getting into and they died for a reason. The plan worked, Morus was weakened and we were able to thin out his army for the most part." "Yes you are probably right" I admitted. I laid my head on the chest of my husband who was still facing me. "I love you princess." "I love you more, my prince" "impossible" "watch me" I laughed. Caspian's corners of his mouth soon followed the same gesture "Do you dare contradict your king?" "Oh yes I dare, I am not the most feared warrior from Narnia for nothing. Do you dare contradict your queen and wife?" "Oh no, I wouldn't dare" my smile stretched from ear to ear, "and that's what I love the most, that beautiful smile of yours" "You mean this one?" I laughed smiling so hard it just looked ridiculous, the black-haired king laughed "YesI even love that smile, but I must admit it's a bit scary" "That would be another idea. What if I smile at Morus and he is so scared that he never dares to set foot in Narnia again?" "We can try, though I don't think that beast deserves one of your smiles. Not even the scary ones." I laughed at his cute remark. "To what do I deserve a man like you?" "I ask myself the same question every day, what did I do to deserve such a wonderful and amazing wife?" "I guess we should just thank Aslan then for making sure we found each other." "I guess we do," he said as he placed a small loving kiss on my forehead. We stood there for several minutes, silent. Just enjoying each other's presence as we stood hugging by the window watching the full moon and the clear sky filled with the brightest stars. "Are you tired?" asked Caspian after about ten minutes "I am".

~A/N: I'm really sorry about being so inactive lately. It's just been really busy at school and I'm flooded with work so I just couldn't find any time to write. Sadly it's quite a short chapter but fear not, I'm not quite finished with this story yet. To make up for my inactivity I will tell you guys a little secret, but it stays between us. I'm already busy thinking about writing another Narnia story, it will be a completely different story that again follows the plot of the second Narnia movie but with a different main character which I'm sure you guys will love! Love you guys!~

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