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The next morning I woke up early before the sunrose, everyone in the castle was still asleep. I slipped outside together withAres who never let me out of his sight and took Destrier out of the stables,time for some training!

I galloped through the woods and practised archery, Iwanted to be able to handle all weapons perfectly. When we arrived in an openfield I climbed off my horse and decided to practice with my sword and daggers.I didn't really have an opponent but that didn't matter as long as themovements were smooth. At one point I felt a severe headache coming on, atfirst I thought it was just a migraine "Jesus, what did they put in thatwine yesterday?" I asked myself sarcastically. 

But it wasn't just a bit ofa headache, I was now lying on the floor groaning in pain. It was as ifthousands of needles were rammed into my head, I screamed but nobody heard me,I was all alone. I tried with all my energy to call Aslan for help in the hopethat he could hear me through our band. "You are weak" I suddenlyheard a deep, dark voice say "Who the fuck are you" "I think youcan guess that, queenie " he spat at me. "Morus," I said without anyfear in my voice. I was still lying on the ground and felt I was on the vergeof fainting but I tried to gather all my energy to talk to the enemy "Whatdo you want, why are you doing this?" I groaned, he chuckled evilly"I do what I want, Narnia is better off with a leader like me. Someonethey fear and will never oppose for that, Narnia is mine and I will take itback at any cost." "Y-you will never be able to have Narnia, overm-my dead body!" I exclaimed with all my might. 

The creature now roseabove me so that I could see him, he was pitch black like death and had red-hoteyes that looked straight into my soul. He smirked at me, thinking I was just aweak little thing but that distracted him and gave me the chance to smash astone against his head. He grunted in pain, "You'll regret that! hesnarled, I did my best to get up and stand with my sword at the ready. The lionwas getting ready to attack me but suddenly we heard a roar from behind me"Aslan!" "Get out of here Morus, you don't belong here! Don'tgive me a chance to repent for letting you go! You will regret that!" hegrowled threateningly at Aslan but he roared ten times as loud so Morus took astep back out of fear and ran into the woods. 

As soon as Morus was out of sightmy excruciating headache disappeared, Aslan walked towards me as I was standingup "Are you alright, my dear one?" "Uhu, but can you now please explain whatjust happened here?" "Try to calm down first, Maria. I understand you haveloads of questions and I will answer them all." "Just spill it already, I'll bea lot once I know what just occurred." Ares and Destrier appeared from their hidingspot as we spoke, I'm happy I could convince the wolf to stand down and sitthis fight out. I was pretty sure Morus wouldn't kill me now and I knew that ifAres would attack him now that he probably wouldn't survive. Aslan and I werewalking back towards the castle "I'll tell you what caused this, do youremember when you defeated the sea serpent, dear one?" "Yeah, when I drownedbut you brought me back from death." "Indeed. In fact, as you were dead Morus claimedyou since he's seen as the God of Death. When I ripped you away from him, heheld on to a piece of your soul." "My soul?" I interrupted him "Yes, that's why he has the power to causethese headaches and that's why it must be you who kills him. Do you understandit, dear one?" "Yeah, I get it and I'm more than willing to fight him but canyou promise me one thing for now?" "What is it, dear one?" "Can you promise menot to tell Caspian anything about the link I have with Morus? I'll tell himwhen the time is ripe, but for now, I don't want to burden him with this." "Alright,I won't tell him, however, I won't lie if he asks me." "I understand, thank you, Aslan." "Anytime Maria". 

We arrived back in the castle, it was already late butI was just in time for dinner. "Hi everyone," I said walking into the diningroom "Maria, where have you been?" Caspian asked concerned "Oh, uhmm I was justtraining all day and Aslan joined me so I lost track of time. I'm sorry if youwere worried." I said as I sat down next to him. "Don't worry, I'm just glad you'reokay" he reassured me kissing my forehead. I forced a smile at him and looked at mysiblings "Maria why is your hair filled with grass and twines?" Lucy asked, Ireached for my hair and noticed that indeed it was filled with grass and littletwines probably from when I fell into the grass when I encountered Morus. "UhmI fell from Destrier while training. No big deal." "Are you alright?" Peterasked "Oh yeah, it's nothing, really," I said. 

My siblings and Caspian continuedtalking but I wasn't paying attention, I was lost in my thoughts. I couldn'tstop thinking about what happened in the forest and what could happen in thefuture, I was so worried I couldn't eat at all. Susan noticed I didn'tparticipate in any conversation they were having "Maria? Maria? Hellooo?" shesaid snapping her fingers in front of my eyes. "Oh uhm, I'm just not hungry andtired. If you'll excuse me I need to discuss some matters with Aslan." I saidbefore leaving the dining room. My siblings and Caspian shared a worried lookbut decided to leave me alone for now. 

I went to the Professor's study figuringthat Aslan would be there and I was right, he was discussing something with theProfessor when I entered the room "your Majesty" the Professor said as Ientered. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation but I must discuss somethingwith Aslan in private." I said to the man "Of course my Queen, I understand." hesaid leaving the room. "What is it, dear one?" "Aslan, I've been thinking aboutwhat you told me in the forest. You told me that Morus possesses a piece of mysoul and I think I figured out a solution, however, I'm not fond of it. I thinkI have to die in order to release myself from his grasp." "You're too smart for yourown good, I was going to tell you about this once the time was wrong but as itseems you've figured it out yourself. You're right you'll have to dieeventually, Morus himself must do it when the time is there. However, I will bringyou back, Morus will be weakened by this so he won't be able to claim your soulagain and you'll be freed from him." "Damn, didn't I die too many timesalready?" "The sacrifices you've made as queen is an inspiration for lots of Narnians.""I need some time to process this, I'll see you tomorrow at the ball," I saidto the lion before leaving the study and heading towards my chambers. 

Caspianwasn't there yet, it's possible he still had to handle some things for the balltomorrow. I prepared myself for bed and got in the enormous bed, however, Icouldn't sleep. After several hours, Caspian entered and I pretended to beasleep in order to avoid a conversation with him, he can't know about this, notyet. He got in the bed, kissed my cheek and fell asleep. 

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