The Ski Trip

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It felt so good being back; I hadn't visited Norway in several years, but now I was finally back. The best part was that I got to bring my friends; Jade and Perrie were beyond excited for the trip, it was all they had talked about the past two weeks. I had told them about my family's cabin, promising them I would bring them sometime. Now that day had finally come; we had planned the trip and we were well on our way, driving up through the mountains on the small narrow roads.

And let's not forget about my girlfriend, my beloved Hailee. She had been busy lately, but she managed to get a few weeks off work, allowing herself to come on this trip with me and the girls.


We had been driving for a few hours, getting closer and closer to my family's cabin. Perrie was driving the car, while Jade sat next to her blasting music, only turning the volume down when Perrie needed directions from me. I sat behind Perrie, having the GPS on my phone so I could guide her. Next to me sat Hailee, holding my hand in hers, occasionally giving it small squeezes of excitement; she had her gaze fixed on the beautiful nature outside her window, she was mesmerized by how truly beautiful the country was.

"Okay, there's a small road to the left, just about half a mile ahead of us," I said, making eye contact with Perrie in the rearview mirror, "turn onto that road and follow it all the way to the end, okay?"

"You got it, muffin." Pez grinned and turned onto the small road. We drove down the road slowly and carefully, since it was a bit bumpy and quite slippery.

Soon enough a little red cabin came into view, bringing a huge smile to my face. I really missed this place, and it was wonderful to be back, this time with my three closest friends.

"This is it, you guys," I smiled brightly, "you can just park right over there, Pez." I said and pointed to the spot. Perrie carefully parked the car, before we all got out.

"Wow," Jade looked around with wide eyes, "this place is truly beautiful." The brunette gave me a soft smile.

I returned the smile, "I'm glad you guys like it," I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, loving the familiar feeling of the cold, fresh winter air, "Now," I opened my eyes again, looking at my three friends, "let's get our stuff inside."


After we got settled inside, I went outside and gathered some firewood from the small shed, before making my way back inside. After taking care of the fireplace, I made my way into the kitchen. The girls were still looking around the cabin, getting themselves familiar with the place, so in the meantime I made us all some hot chocolate.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind, causing me to jump slightly, "Relax, it's just me," Hailee giggled and nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck, "how are you, baby?"

I smiled softly, placing my hands on top of hers, leaning my head back slightly, "I'm good, I'm just making us some hot chocolate," I replied and stirred in the pot, "how are you, my love?"

Hailee hummed happily and hugged me tighter, "I'm good, very good. I love it here, and I can't wait to go play in the snow tomorrow."

"That's great, baby," I smiled and turned in her arms, wrapping my arms around her neck, "but you do know that I'm gonna kick your ass in a snowball fight, right?" I smirked, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" Her beautiful hazel eyes locked with mine, and I felt shivers down my spine, feeling intimidated by the tone in her voice.

I swallowed hard, trying to sound tough, "yeah."

A small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, "I guess, we'll have to see about that," she lowered her voice, leaning in, whispering against my lips, "I'd watch my back, if I were you."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, feeling both scared and aroused at the same time. She knew how to dominate me, and she definitely loved doing it. I felt her grip on my waist tighten slightly, as her hot breath hit my lips, causing me to whimper in the most pathetic way, "please.."

The slightly taller girl let out a sexy chuckle, "please what, babygirl?"

My eyes darted to her lips, my tongue wetting my lips in the process, "kiss me," I looked back up into her eyes, feeling my heart pounding in my chest, as I whimpered once more, "plea-"

The gorgeous brunette cut me off, pressing her lips against mine, her grip on my waist tightening even more, causing me to moan softly. Hailee picked me up and placed me on the counter a little away from the stove, standing in between my legs, her lips never leaving mine. I tangled my fingers in her hair, tugging slightly, as I felt her tongue sliding along my bottom lip. Hailee dug her nails into my thighs, pressing her tongue against my lip harder, getting impatient. Hearing her groan, as she pulled me closer, causing my center to be pressed against her stomach, was all it took for my lips to part. Her tongue darted inside my mouth and she was quick to take dominance, leaving me a moaning and whimpering mess. She started to pull back, but before she released my lips, she bit down on my bottom lip, tugging at it, making me whimper even more, my grip in her hair tightening.

"Such a naughty girl," Hailee husked, as she started kissing down my jaw, "what am I gonna do with you?" She left openmouthed kisses all the way down my neck, sucking and biting at my pulsepoint, causing me to moan softly.

I wrapped my legs around her waist, holding her close, "maybe you should punish me," I moaned in her ear, making her groan against my neck.

"You little tease," She bit into my neck, running her tongue over it softly, "you better be a good girl," She moved one of her hands up, wrapping it around my neck, causing me to buck my hips slightly, "sit still," The brunette growled, her eyes locked with mine, "don't.. you dare.. move.." She squeezed my neck in between speaking, making me whimper softly.

I bit my lip hard, my entire body tense, as I tried not to move, "yes, baby.." I moaned softly, my eyes closed.

"Good girl," Hailee husked, stroking my neck with her thumb, "now, how about we-"

The sound of someone clearing their throat, made me snap my eyes open. Jade and Perrie stood in the doorway, looking at us. Jade looked almost terrified, while Perrie had the biggest damn smirk on her face; she was gonna tease, I just knew it.

The blonde raised an eyebrow, "sorry to interrupt, but we are craving some hot chocolate," Pez smirked, her eyes locked with mine, "don't worry, we'll just grab our cups and leave.. you won't even notice we were here."

"Babe," Jade giggled and smacked the blonde's chest playfully, causing Perrie to burst out laughing.

I was a blushing mess at this point, not even noticing the fact that Hailee's hand was still wrapped around my neck, before she removed it, placing it on my thigh instead. Hailee just stood there smirking, not even bothering to move, while the girls went over and made themselves each a cup.

"We're gonna watch a movie," Pez said, as they headed for the door, "feel free to join.. but of course.." Her smirk was bigger than I had ever seen, "..we understand if you choose to stay here.." The blonde winked and laughed loudly, as Jade pulled her into the living room, while sending us apologetic looks.

"Oh my goodness," I whined and hid my face in Hailee's shoulder, "that was the most embarrassing thing ever," I whispered, cringing at the thought of what had just happened.

Hailee just giggled and hugged me close, rubbing my back softly, "it's okay, baby," She kissed my cheek softly, pulling back to look into my eyes, "they're just messing with us, you know that right?"

I nodded, closing my eyes, wishing it had all just been a dream, "yeah.. I know.." I mumbled, feeling my breathing calm down a little.

I felt my girl cupping my face gently, so I opened my eyes to look at her, seeing her smiling softly, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." I replied and leaned in, kissing her lips softly.

A/N: This is it for this part.. but who knows.. there might be a part 2 ;)
Thanks for reading!
Hope y'all enjoyed!
Have a good one <3

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