Clown (Requested)

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A/N: I know it's short.. but writer's block and illness is a bitch at the moment.
Trigger Warning: Clown.

No matter how fast I ran, he kept catching up to me, reaching his long arm out to grab me, his fingers just out of reach. I was out of breath and had been running for what felt like forever, but he wouldn't give up.

I rounded a corner, running down through an alleyway, hearing his footsteps fading away. Just as I thought I had escaped, I felt a cold hand wrapping around my wrist, turning me around, so I came face to face with him.

His pale, white face was so close I could feel his breath against my face. His pitch black eyes stared into my soul, not a single thought behind them. The dark red paint dripped down his face, as he grinned with those razor sharp teeth.

He let out a cackle of a laugh, sending shivers down my spine, as he reached his free hand up, stroking my cheek, his black eyes never leaving mine.

"NO! LET ME GO!" I screamed in fear, as his face inched closer to mine, his eyes getting bigger and bigger.


"Y/N, baby," I could hear Hailee's voice calling out to me, causing my eyes to open, realizing it had all been a dream, "Hey bubba, c'mere," The brunette cooed softly and pulled me into her arms, hugging me tightly, "Shhh, it's over now," She whispered and rocked me gently in her arms, as I cried. "I'm here, little one, you're safe with mama," She continued, already knowing my mental state without me having to say a single word.

"C-Clo-" I tried to say the word, but I was simply too petrified and the images flashed through my brain again, causing me to break down even more, sobbing into my girlfriend's shirt.

"Clown?" She asked and I nodded, still crying hysterically, "Oh, my baby, I'm sorry," She whispered and hugged me closer, knowing just how terrified I was of clowns. "It was that dumb thing at the cinema, wasn't it?" She asked and I replied with another small nod.

We had been at the cinema earlier that week, and while we stood in line to buy our snacks, a trailer for a new horror movie, featuring a clown, played on one of the big screens. And to make it all even worse, there was even a person dressed as said clown, promoting the movie, who was walking around, scaring people.

"Shhh, mama's here and she will protect you, little one," Hailee said and kissed the top of my head softly, "There's no clown here and there won't be, okay? Not as long as mama is here. I won't let anyone or anything hurt my little princess."

"Pwomise?" I asked, muffled against her shirt, still clinging to her tightly.

"Pinky promise, baby love," Haiz replied and held out her pinky, making me look up at her, slowly hooking my pinky with hers, watching as she brought my hand up to her lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it.

"Can me have cuddles pwease?" I asked, shyly.

"Of course, little one, c'mere," She replied in that soft, caring tone and pulled me closer, letting me bury my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet, familiar scent, causing me to relax a bit more. I nuzzled my nose against her neck and clung to her like a little koala, while she rubbed my back and played with my hair, making sure I felt safe, as I drifted back to sleep, comfortable and relaxed in my caregivers arms.

A/N: Thanks for reading!
Hope y'all enjoyed!
Have a good one <3

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