Chapter 2

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You were running towards the smoke bumping into a skinny yellow haired person, he was like a skeleton.

Y/n: oh hello, all might! Where is Izuku?

All might: wha-how?

Y/n: you loom similar and my eyes are special but where is Izuku?

All might: I left him on the roof of (insert building name here) but he probably already left.

Y/n: okay, gotta go!

You ran towards the explosion. He had to be there after all.


Finally reached it, now where is that green headed idiot. Until you saw Izuku run in there ignoring what the heroes were saying. You ran after him but got stopped.

Death arms: stop! It's dangerous.

Y/n: he's my brother! I have to go save him!

He wouldn't let you go. You used your quirk to push him aside. You then ran to him.

Y/n: Izuku!

You pushed aside finally noticing katsuki who was captured by the sludge villain. You pointed your finger at the villain. A red ball appeared and launched the villain pushing him away from katsuki. He fell down and tried to attack you but he couldn't all might came from no where.

All might: I really am pathetic.

Y/n: woah, deja vu.

Izuku: all might...

All might: even though I admonished you-

Y/n (thoughts): huh?

All might:-I wasn't putting what I said into practice! Pros are always risking their lives!

Sludge villain: all might!

All might: detroit smash!

There was a lot of wind and it even caused the weather to change. It began to rain.

You looked down to grab your glasses and they were broken...

Y/n: I broke my glasses dammit!

You took out some bandages from your pocket and wrapped it around your eyes.

(his eyes are entirely covered)

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(his eyes are entirely covered)


The heroes collected the scattered sludge and gave it to the police.
You and katsuki were being praised and told to "come to their agency when you become heroes" Izuku was being scolded. You walked away from their and grabbed Izuku and his stuff ignoring the heroes.


Izuku looked down while you both walked home.

Y/n: did all might tell you that you can't be a hero?

Izuku: y-yes, but it was for my safety maybe I should just do something else.

Y/n: Izuku your more of a hero then those people there. You rushed in even though you were quirkless while they just sat around.

Before you could continue you heard the pomeranian.

Katsuki: deku! Y/n!

Katsuki would always call you by your name when you weren't standing up for Izuku

Izuku: kacchan...?

Katsuki: I never asked for your help! And you didn't help me! Go it?! I was fine! You're a quirklesss failure playing without a full deck! Anf you're just an extra! Don't think you can look down on me! Are you trying to make me owe you?! Don't look down on me! You damn nerd and snowy beanpole!

You and Izuki sweatdropped


He quoted what the heroes said when they praised katsuki, this made you laugh. You began to continue your walk home with Izuku but then all might popped out of no where again.

All might: I am here!

Izuku: a-all might?! Why are you here? You were surrounded by reporters until just now...

All might: ha ha ha! Getting away from them was a peice of cake. Why? Because I am all migh-blegh!

This made Izuku scream.

All might: young man. I come with thanks, a correction, and a suggestion. If you hadn't been there... If you hadn't told me about your life... I would've turned into a guy in a bodysuit who was all talk. Thank you.

Y/n: see! You even saved all might!

Izuku: that can't be... It was my fault in the first place. I got in the way of your work, and I even said all those impertinent things even though I'm quirkless...

Y/n (sweatdrop): what did I just tell you...?

All might: that's right. It was because it was none other than the timid, quirkless you at the scene that I was able to act. Top heroes have stories about them from their school days. Most of their stories have one thing in common: their bodies moved before they had a chance to think.

Izuku began crying

All might: that was true for you, too, wasn't it?

Izuku: yeah...

All might: you can become a hero.

Y/n: wow, you didn't do the super cry.

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